A Result from The Renewal Retreats

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The Special Missions Committee met April 17th in preparation for the BMA of Missouri Mid-year Meeting. The agenda included a report and discussion about the Renewal Retreats, including the participants’ desire for unity between the State and Meramec Associations. Out of this discussion three from this committee – Pastors representing both Associations – volunteered to draft a “Statement of Unity” to encourage the continued efforts in this process, and specifically hoping that in our 2017 annual meetings all entities will consider making an official stand to put the past in the past and go forward in unity for the good of all the work in Missouri.

Statement of Unity

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men. (Romans 12:18)

We the undersigned, as pastors in both the Meramec and State Associations, would like to voice our appreciation for the desire expressed in the recent Renewal retreats to reunite our two Associations.


  • We are inspired by the unanimous desire to put all past differences aside and again embrace one another in unity;
  • We acknowledge that faults have been committed by both sides in the original disagreement and/or dealing with related issues since then;
  • We apologize for any faults or shortcomings on our own part, and extend forgiveness for any offense committed by others;
  • We encourage others to do the same;
  • We anticipate that time – hopefully in the immediate future – when all parties have forgiven and sought forgiveness, when we all reach out in love and acceptance to one another, when all is restored.

We would ask that each pastor, each church, and each Association similarly resolve to put this issue behind us, and be a part of this movement of blessed unity.

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! (Psalm 133:1)

– Bro. Ben Kingston, Bro. Brian Meade, Bro. Don Burke