October 2018 – Mission Director’s Report

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How quickly this associational year has passed! It should remind us that what we are going to do needs to be done NOW and not put off to a “later date!” All of us have friends who are lost and need to hear the Gospel. Let’s not wait till it is too late!

Churches need to revitalize their methods and update their outreach. Someday it will be too late! God is patient and kind
but soon His wrath will be poured out against sin and evil. What are we doing to avoid that! May we start this new associational year with a greater desire to be busy about our Father’s Business and may we be able to say at the end of this new year in the Lord’s work that we have been faithful and can rejoice in the fruit of our labors.

We are blessed in many ways and should share the Good News of Jesus every opportunity we have. People are searching for answers and we know WHO has THE answers we need so we can look forward to eternity. God has blessed us with the funds needed to do what we had planned to this year. He will be faithful to provide more funds and the personnel to do the things He want us to do in the year ahead.

Let’s work together to do more for God and reach the lost in the days ahead. We need each other’s support, encouragement, and help and with it more will be accomplished. We are not in competition with one another, but we are encouraged to work together for God’s honor and glory.

That’s what being associated means. It’s part of God’s plan that we help one another in life through our homes and churches. Let’s renew this spirit and let God show what He can do in each of our localities. Continue to pray for God to call men into the ministry who will make the sacrifces necessary to lead our churches to greater heights of labor for the Lord. Look for ways you and your church can help others accomplish God’s will in their lives and ministries.

Thank you for your words of encouragement and for your support of the work of the churches of the BMA of Missouri Missions. There is no limit to what we can do as we follow God in our lives. I have started trying to attend more local association
meetings in an effort to get to know more about what is going on in our churches and to get better acquainted with our people. If you would like for me to visit your annual meetings please let me know ahead of time when your meeting takes place and I will try to come. I look forward to the opportunity.

by James Hoffman