Mutual Faith

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Romans 1:8-13
Paul’s sense of appreciation for the mutual faith between Paul and the church of Rome, his sense of responsibility to preach the gospel to all men, and the message which he preached gives us a source for evaluating our own lives, the ministry of our church, and our associational mission. Paul gave the church at Rome one of the greatest compliments that any church would love to receive. Their faith was known throughout the whole Roman Empire. The witness of this great church should cause us to ask the questions that would help us determine the worth of our witness. What do churches of like faith and order think of our testimony?

Paul prayed for this church every time he prayed. Paul knew that they could not do the work that God had called them to do without praying for God’s leadership. Do we pray for the leadership of the church that we are privileged to be a member?
Do we pray for the mutual witness of the churches in our local, state, national associations? Do we pray for the leadership of
these mutual works?

Paul wanted to bless the church by exercising his spiritual gifts. But he also wanted to be blessed by the spiritual gifts that God had imparted to the Roman church. The Lord’s churches need to be a blessing to each other. Do we feel an obligation to do what is necessary so that we can preach the gospel to the entire world? Because of our mutual faith do we see the need to pray for our church ministries and the ministries of the churches in our associational work? Do we have a sense of expectation that God is going to bless the mutual faith in our local church and the churches we fellowship? Do we show eagerness to share the gospel with others? Are we a blessing or a hindrance to others?

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President