Local WMA’s Express Appreciation for the Ladies Retreat

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Bates Creek, Potosi would like to thank the retreat committee and Sis. Valarie Fish for another great retreat. We had five
ladies go from Bates Creek. It was a great time of learning and fellowship with each other and with other ladies from around
the state of Missouri. Sarah Buckley, Reporter

Bethany, St. Louis, had four of our ladies, along with Sis. McCanless, attended the Ladies Retreat and what a blessing it
was. The music, devotionals, fellowship and the speaker were all spirit led. If your ladies have never attended these retreats, you should encourage them to do so.
Kathy Chapman, Reporter

Others made good comments in their “News From the Churches” articles and all indications are that the ladies had a great
time and were challenged to do their best for the Lord. Perhaps we will have a report in the next issue with more details about the meeting.

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