Scientific Proof That Evolution is Impossible

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by Ray Lambright • Creation Ministries of Humble
2838 Pheasant Run • Humble, Texas 77396

As pointed out in previous articles, the Theory of Evolution suffers many insurmountable obstacles for a thinking individual. There is no trace of it ever happening in the Fossil Record nor is it happening today. Therefore I think it is only fair to ask, “is it even possible?” The gaps in the fossil record are serious enough to doom evolution, but there is another nail for the coffin even more menacing to this indefensible fable, and that is the origin of life.

There is an absolute scientific law called Biogenesis, which states that life comes only from life, and can only come for ancestors who have a similar genetic make-up. Evolution requires that life “evolved” from nonliving material. In this article we will discuss the probability of this happening by chance in some long-ago primeval ocean or swamp. After all, if life evolved from inorganic material, this is where it must have came from.

We will examine a few of the requirements for life to have evolved from inorganic material, but first, let’s scrap the term “simple life.” There is no such thing. Secondly, let’s not equate chemical compounds as being life. They are essential, but without a program designed for each cell, the chemicals would just be lifeless globs.

When we hear that water must have been present on Mars, modern day scientist get very excited. However, you could have all the water and chemicals and compounds necessary for life, but you would still not have life Each living cell must be programmed to reproduced itself, or it would be sustained for only one generation. We must ask, “Where did the programs come from?” Inorganic material, such as chemical compounds are necessary, but they are mindless. Unless they have a self-replicating program, it is but a mass of lifeless matter.

On pages 234 and 235 of the “Biblical Basis For Modern Science,” Henry Morris shows the absurdity of evolution by using mathematical probability. He concludes it is impossible for life to have evolved based on his calculations. We learned in Biology 101 that enzyme is unique for a specific type of cell and will not work in other types of cells. They are absolutely essential to life.

What are the chances they evolved from an inorganic soup? Fred Hoyle, an English scientist who is not a creationist, has calculated the chances at less than one in 1,040,000. This is a number that is totally impossible. For probability to be considered zero, the odds only have to be 1050. The genetic code is another problem for evolutionists. The code for each individual is specified by its parents, and there
is not other way it can happen. But how did the whole process start? The only convincing answer is Special Creation. The law of Cause and Effect we discussed in the first article states, “Each effect has a preceding cause which is greater than it is.”

This is the exact opposite of evolution which postulates that each species promotes itself and is getting more complex as time goes by. However we know this is not happening. Another problem for evolutionists is the amino acids in living forms. They come in right-handed and left-handed orientations in respect to their optical activity, and each is equally probable. However, in living organisms they are all left-handed. Does this indicate there was a “design” for life? If so, there must have been a designer. One other interesting fact about amino acids racemic (become again equally probable), and gradually decay until they are all equally right-handed and left-handed. Does this demonstrate intelligent design or random chance? What do you think?

Many other problems exists for the theory of evolution in the origin of life. The present atmosphere, free oxygen (water vapor, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen) would preclude life from evolving. It would kill all simple organisms as soon as they were formed. You would need to have a “reducing atmosphere” (methane, ammonia, hydrogen, water vapor), with no ultraviolet rays, in order for life to evolve. In addition to the
fact that there is no proof that such an atmosphere ever existed, it has a terminal problem.

If life did evolve, it could not continue without oxygen and the rays from the sun to promote photosynthesis. So with oxygen evolution is dead, without oxygen evolution is dead. I hope you can see by now that the Theory of evolution is a fantasy, promoted by pseudo-scientists to promote a Godless agenda. Who would have the most to gain by this? Who was the first being to say he was above God a try to take control? Note in Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascent above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High” Who is the subject of this verse? Look in verse 12 for the answer; Isaiah 14:12, :How art thou fallenfrom heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

Satan has been deceiving man from the beginning. The deception has always begun by trying to make man believe he is equal or superior to God (Genesis 3:5). Modern day evolutionists promote humanism which is an extension of the lie started in the Garden of Eden.

I hope we can say as David did in Psalm 139:14, “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knoweth very well.” Nature, true science, and God’s Word declare the same thing. The whole universe is “fearfully and wonderfully made” by the creator, which is none other than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (John 1:3)

Finally, a quote from a devout evolutionist, Leslie E. Ortel in the Scientific American (volume 27, October, 1974, p. 78): “It is extremely improbable that proteins and nucleic acids, both of which are extremely complex, arose spontaneously in the same place at the same time. Yet it also seems impossible to have one without the other. And so, at first glance, one might have to conclude that life could never, in fact, have originated by chemical means.” Amazingly, in spite of recognition of these facts, Dr. Ortel
still believes it happened. As Duane Gish has said, “It’s incredible what one has to believe to be an unbeliever.”