A Dozen Things to Do In 2012

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by Travis Plumlee, Family Ark Ministries
I want to share some things for you to consider doing in 2012. It is a new year and it is time to make some changes for the better, and for God’s glory.  You will not find in this list, praying and Bible study. Those are things we should do every day, all day; just like breathing.  It should be a natural part of our everyday existence. Of course, if it isn’t, then you should definitely have that as a goal for 2012. And all of us can increase our prayer time and our personal study time in the Word.  I’m just trying to give you some ideas outside of the usual new year’s goals of lose weight and take a class on something.  Here are a dozen ideas that you might consider doing in 2012. You can even post this article somewhere on your desk or in your bedroom and check the things off as you accomplish them. Remember, no matter what your new year’s goals are: do all for the glory of the Lord. I Corinthians 10:31

1.) Hug more than ever before.

Try to increase the amount of affection you give to those around you. We live in an ever increasing cold and uncaring world. We need to not only tell people that we love them, we need to show them.  For some of you this will be a real challenge. But everyone can do it. Hug someone each day who means something to you.

2.) Witness to someone.

They may not accept Jesus as their savior, but you have to try.  It is a command from God. We are to tell others who Jesus is, and that they need him. When was the last time you worked at leading someone to Jesus?  Make it a goal in 2012.

3.) Encourage others.

I Thessalonians 5:11. No matter how much you encourage others, set out in 2012 to encourage all those around you. Start at home and spread outwardly.  Smiles, handshakes, hugs, visits, and most importantly some encouraging words. Build others up.

4.) Let go of your anger.

Set as a goal to not get angry over something at least once a week. It is simply a choice. It is something that you do actually get mad about, but instead of responding how you always have in the past with anger; you choose to withdraw and walk away. A soft answer turns away wrath. Being slow to anger is the best way to be. Pray for them. Bless them. And walk away. You will find out that you can in fact control your anger. It is a choice. I will choose one thing each week to not go to world war III over.  And keep growing from there.

5.) Forgive someone this year.

You will never have total healing until you practice forgiveness.  Forgiveness is for you, not them. You can ask for it, text it, mail it or keep it in your heart privately but still give it to God. It frees you up. And we are required to do this one also.  You will be happier and free of torment when you practice forgiveness.

6.) Visit an older person.

Have as a resolution to visit an elderly person on a regular basis throughout 2012. It doesn’t have to be weekly, although that would be amazing. Even just once a month would help end one of the cruelest realities in human existence— loneliness. It can be a relative or a total stranger in an apt or nursing home. It could be a shut in from your church. Drop by and say hi to a dear older person.

7.) Mentor a young person.

On a monthly basis, find one or two young people that you can mentor. Pass on wisdom.  Encourage. Do something with them. Older women and men are to teach the younger ones about life. Pray and pick out a kid at your church and just make it a point to go up and speak something nice to them each week. Add a smile.

8.) Personal growth spiritually.

Many people set goals of growing intellectually by learning something new. Set a goal to do something that causes you to grow spiritually anew.  Study something different. Go somewhere. Increase your meditation and devotion time.  You can’t go wrong when you grow right. Seek God for guidance.

9.) Get a ministry.

We all are supposed to serve Jesus by serving others. Find somewhere to serve others at least once a month. Be committed and do this. Don’t neglect the work.

10.) Testify.

At least once a week, tell someone, somewhere, how God has been good to you. Not just at church, tell a neighbor or co-worker. Make it a weekly habit to share that our God is good all the time. It increases our joy and encourages others to seek Him.

11.) Laugh more.

This will be hard. But enjoy life more with your family. Spend more time with them. Don’t be so serious all the time. Look for things to laugh about. It is good medicine according to scripture.  Focus on people and love and laughter this year.

12.) PTO. Personal Time Off.

It is not selfish. It is self-preservation. Once a day come apart, or you will fall apart.  Build in a daily habit of relaxing, restoring and being quiet.  If you do these 12 things, you will have a great 2012. Now go make a great year for the glory of the Lord for He is worthy to be praised.

published in December issue of The Missouri Missionary Baptist paper.

Family Ark Ministries with Dr. Travis Plumlee