A Timely Lesson For Men From God’s Word

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Our church Bible Study takes us to the timely, even if somewhat awkward, passage of Proverbs 7. In a time when
sexual moors and their Biblical standards are so totally out the window for in our society, this chapter cautions against the
“forbidden woman”/adulteress — in essence the gal who offers herself to the sexual interests of a man to whom she isn’t
married. Of special note is Vv. 10ff as it describes no less than nine hints that your gal may be the wrong kind of gal to get
involved in:

  1. She’s dressed in a way that stirs a guy’s attention to her body. (V. 10)
  2. She’s motivated by a hidden agenda (V. 10)
  3. She’s loud-and-proud (V. 11)
  4. She disregards her place and her responsibilities (V. 11)
  5. She lurks for her target (V. 12)
  6. She’s brazen (V. 13)
  7. She can lie without flnching (V. 13) — about her relationship with God and her interest in you (Vv. 14-15) — in
    order to get you to drop your guard.
  8. She is an active and ongoing source of temptation (V. 16-18)
  9. She assures that you won’t get caught (V. 19-20)
  10. Men, Take Heed!

    by Pastor Don Burke, Breton Creek Baptist Church, Potosi, MO
    (Editor’s Note: Bro. Burke posted this note on FaceBook recently and has given permission for me to print it as I feel
    it is a lesson all men need to study and use to safeguard their lives.)