An Overview of the 2014 BMA of Missouri Annual Meeting

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October 25, 2014 • 9:00 a.m.
Landmark Baptist Church
DeSoto, Missouri
by Don Burke, Assistant Editor

It was a blessing to join together in worship, fellowship and business as the 87th annual session of the BMA of MO met at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto last month. The Enrollment Committee reported fifty-one messengers representing twenty-four of our churches; seven churches represented by letter alone; and $2,030 sent in for the Minute Fund.

Highlights of the day included a morning devotional by Bro. Tom McCanless. After the sounding of the gavel the Association approved the re-petitioning for membership by Antioch at Oxly (Bro. Larry Edwards Sr., pastor).
Bro. Jamie Jones reported on the continued growth of the North Lake congregation in Smithville. The Association voted to give North Lake $1,000 from the missions fund to go towards acquiring a new meeting place (which Bro. Jones is currently investigating).

Other highlights included the approval to give Camp Garwood $5,000, earmarked for capital improvements. (This money is to come from the 2014 interest earned on CD’s held by the Loan Association.) Also the Association voted to give Bro. James Hoffmann a $2,000 “appreciation offering” as combined Christmas bonus and recognition for his 25 years of service.

The following were elected or appointed at the meeting:
1. Bro. Brian Meade elected as Association President for 2014-15; Bro. Jerry Adams elected as Vice President;
2. Bro. Brad Banderman to service on the Alive Committee (term ending 2018);
3. Bro. Matt Bolen to serve on the Encampment Committee (2019);
4. Bro. Tom McCannless to serve on the Special Missions Committee (2021);
5. Bros. Randy Zinn, Lee Miller, and Roy Callahan as the 2015 Resolutions Committee:
6. Bros. Russell Chitwood, Denver Page, and Matt Bolen as the 2015 Enrollment Committee.
Bro. David Erickson from the BMA Seminary gave the annual message on the subject of “Why We Come Together as an Association.”

The Association approved the Resolutions Committee report:
“Jesus is the light of the world. Just as He exposed and reproved sin during His personal ministry here on earth, we who are partakers of His great light, are called to shine as lights in this dark and sinful world in which we live.

“Therefore be it resolved:
1. That we stand united in our commitment to one another and to the Great Commission that we’ve received from God to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ – His virgin birth, His sinless life, His cruel death, His temporary burial and His literal physical resurrection;
2. That we reaffirm our commitment and uncompromising stand to preach without shame all biblical truths to all the world;
3. That we pray for our country and our country’s leaders, and that we vote for leaders who support biblical values, such as:
a. The unwavering support and protection of the nation of Israel.
b. The sanctity of life. That life begins at conception and is to be protected at all stages.
c. That we stand firm for the civil rights of all citizens, but believe that the creation of so-called “gay rights” for same-sex marriage and homosexual adoptions are a threat to the stability of our country’s foundation by the destruction of the traditional family.
“Be it further resolved that we give a standing vote of thanks to pastor Wayne Gibson and the Landmark Baptist Church for their gracious hospitality in hosting this annual meeting.”