Annual Meeting of the BMA of America 2016

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From Our President….
Greetings to the churches of the BMA of America!
I hope 2016 has gotten off to a wonderful start and proves to be a year that overflows with God’s abundant blessings on you and
your church family. I wanted to remind you that on April 25 – 27 we will gather in beautiful Gatlinburg,Tennessee for the
annual meeting of our national association. I hope you will make plans to be there for what I believe will be an enjoyable and exciting few days together.

As an added feature at last year’s meeting some opportunities were offered to attend workshops on various topics. The hope was that this would provide attendees a time to receive practical instruction and help, allowing us all to return to our fields of ministry better equipped to serve and lead effectively. The response was overwhelmingly positive and we look forward to offering additional workshops at the upcoming meeting. Of course, these are provided in addition to the times of conducting business and opportunities to gather for worship.

On page 8 of this publication is a preliminary schedule for the meeting in Gatlinburg. I trust this overview will be helpful to you in planning your schedule and travel.

If the Lord returns before April 25, I will see you in Heaven. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you in Gatlinburg!

Until Then,
Jason Aultman, President