Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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October 27, 2012 • 9:30 a.m.
Kewanee Baptist Church
Kewanee, Missouri

October 27, 2012 forty-two messengers, representing 21 churches, and several visitors gathered at Kewanee Baptist Church in Kewanee, Missouri for the 85th Annual meeting of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri.

Pastor Dan Wisely welcomed everyone and asked Bro. David Griggs to lead a song with Sis. LaDonna Baker playing the piano.

Bro. Wisely brought a timely devotional from Hebrews 12:1-2 challenging us to not be weighted down with the things of this world as we work for the Lord.

In the absence of President Jamie Haguewood, Vice President, Dan Wisely called the meeting to order and seated the messengers.

Following the preliminary enrollment report in which one petitionary letter was read, the messengers voted to accept the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Caledonia, Missouri into our fellowship. This church had not represented by letter of messengers for a number of years and according to our by-laws needed to petition for reinstatement. Our by-laws (page 10 of the 2011 Minutes) state in Article III – Membership, #3: “Any church not identifying with this Association either by messenger or letter for three consecutive years shall be considered as having terminated her membership.”

We enjoyed hearing from some of our National Departments about how God is blessing in all areas. Bro. Charley Holmes represented the BMAA Seminary; Bro. John David Smith represented the BMAA Department of Missions; and Bro. Charles Atteberry represented LifeWord Broadcast Ministries.

Bro. Don Burke gave a summary of the Alive Committee work this past year with the following information on the 2012 ALIVE Conference. The dates are December 27-29, 2012; the place for the meeting is the Airport Hilton in St. Louis; with Alvin Red – the speaker, Broken Vessels – the band, 321 Imp5ov – the entertainment, the City Museum – the night entertainment, breakouts with Jaclyn Rowe for the girls and ??? for the boys. The service project will be “The Shoe Man.” For more information go to the ALIVE web site at

A written report from Ministers Resource Services was accepted to be included in the Minutes.

Bro. Dennis Baker gave the Brotherhood Report noting that the men’s retreats have been good and seem to be drawing the men of our churches closer as they get better acquainted through the fellowship.

Sis. Terry Adams gave the WMA report and Sis. Janet Widger gave the Ladies’ Retreat Report. The ladies raise d almost $2,000 for Camp Garwood at their retreat.

The BMA Loan Committee gave their report along with some recommendations for changes in our by-laws which would open the way to assist churches in times of special needs. These changes will be printed as space and time permits. Contact Bro. Dennis Baker for more information. Bro. Earl Johnston announced his resignation from the committee and a plague of appreciation for his 19 years of faithful service was presented to him. Bro. David Griggs was elected to replace Bro. Johnston as treasurer.

The Kenneth Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund report was given noting there had not been any requests for assistance this past year.

Bro. Hoffmann gave the Missouri Missionary Baptist report noting that income is not keeping up with the cost of printing and mailing the paper and he encourage more churches to send monthly offerings to help overcome this difference. He encouraged the churches to keep their mailing lists up to date to avoid return postage. All churches are encouraged to send a mailing list to Bro. Hoffmann to insure your people receive the paper. An offering from your church will help with expenses but is not required to be on the mailing list. We hope each pastor receives the paper. If not please send Bro. Hoffmann your address.

Sis. Laura Polk gave the Camp Report since Bro. Chris was unable to attend the meeting due to some physical problems. She noted how God blessed the camp this year with many souls being saved and a great attendance. The “DEW” (Dollar Each Week) program is picking up momentum and should be a blessing to the camp. Remember a special “DEW” T-shirt will be given to each one who participates in giving a Dollar Each Week by camp time 2013.

The following association officers and committeemen were elected:
President Claude Evans
Vice President Ray Thurman
Special Missions Committee – Ben Kingston (2019)
Publications Committee – Denver Page (2015)
Encampment Committee – Lucas Polk (2017)
Youth Alive Committee – Don Burke (2016)
Bro. Don Burke gave the Recording Secretary’s report.
Bro. James Hoffmann and Bro. Don Burke were reelected as Editor and Assistant Editor of the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper.

Bro. Ted Hurley brought the annual message (see page 1) before we were dismissed for a wonderful lunch prepared by the ladies of Kewanee.
Following lunch the Missionary Committee met. Missions Director Bro. Danny gave his report (see page 3) followed by a report from Bro. Jamie Jones, missionary at North Lake, Missouri. Both reported on God’s blessings on the effort in North Lake. It was a joy to hear of the excitement of this new work.

Our Mid-year meeting and Mission Symposium will be at Bethel Baptist Church in Sikeston in the month of May 2013. The Annual Meeting will be at Springdale Baptist Church in Fenton in October of 2013. Please start making plans now to attend these meetings.
Bro. Russell Chitwood was elected to bring the annual message with Bro. Danny Kirk as the alternate.

We commend Pastor Dan Wisely and Kewanee Baptist Church for being very gracious hosts and providing a comfortable and pleasant place for our very harmonious meeting. We look forward to meeting again in 2013.