Greetings from the Camp Garwood Director

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We hope you have had a great holiday season. And trust the Lord will bless you in this New Year.  There’s a lot of things to
report this month. And at the same time, there’s not much.  Because I have a lot of incomplete information.  Work has begun on the tabernacle. By the end of the month the new roof. Insulation and ceiling should be in place.  I’ll post pictures on Facebook as I get them.

We also met with the land surveyor this month. Along with putting markers up around camp we plan to cut a trail around the property. If you have always wanted to help but are busy in the summer. Here’s your opportunity.  If you have attended camp
the past few years, or have read our reports, you know that we need more bunk space.  The committee discussed several options. We could split our camp week by age or church size for example. All agreed that isn’t what we want to do. So we are looking into building options.

With that in mind. The committee has set March 6th as Camp Emphasis Sunday. We are asking churches to promote this
as an opportunity to jump start this building project. It would mean a lot to myself and the committee. If our churches on that Sunday would set aside time to pray, promote and collect for Camp Garwood it would help tremendously.
While the emphasis Sunday focuses on the building project. We also want to remind you about the DEW fund. The Dollar
Every Week fund has been such a blessing, as we have been able to continue camp improvements and operate in the black because of the faithful DEWers.

Be watching for the Spring dates and opportunities to come help. We look forward to seeing you soon. As always, Please continue to pray for us. 2016 is going to be a busy year.

573-380-1975 • PO Box 271• Matthews MO 63867