It’s Time!

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To Make Your Reservations for the 2014 BMAA Meeting in Lilttle Rock, Arkansas!

The 2014 session of the Baptist Missionary Association of America will meet April 28-30 at the beautiful Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Bro. Pastor, we need your help. When the BMAA Committee on Arrangements contracts with a convention center to host our annual meeting, the rental fee is normally tied to the number of hotel rooms we expect our attendees to use during the meeting. The rental fee in Little Rock is contingent upon our use of rooms blocked at the designated hotels. The rental fee will increase by the daily cost of each room not used.

The Committee on Arrangements has negotiated terms in Little Rock that will allow the conference center space to be rent free if we use the total number of rooms blocked at the Marriott and two overflow hotels. Please help us fill the Marriott first to cap the cost of the rental space and then the overflow rooms will help us get the meeting space rent free.

Our association has had to pay extra in the past years because many of the blocked hotel rooms were not used. Please help us avoid a situation like that this year.

We appreciate your help.

Charles Attebery, Leon Carmical, James Ray Raines
BMAA Committee on Arrangements