June – From Bro. Jones…

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As 2012 continues to pass, God’s blessings continue to flow here in Smithville. He is still at work changing lives, answering prayers, and drawing people to Himself! We have seen direct answers to prayers in the pass week and we want to thank you for your continued support and interest in the goings on here with our Kingdom work!

During the month of March we had the privilege of seeing the lives of two people changed by God’s grace. Maria Pinzon learned of North Lake church through her son Javier, and has been attending for sometime now. She is originally from Cuba, and moved to Smithville from New Jersey. Since she started attending many questions have been raised for her to seek answers to. Well, on March 18th, she found the answer…JESUS!

Barb Baker,who was saved in January of this year was used by God in this life changing process for Maria. It has been a pleasure to watch God use new Christians, like Barb, to invite others to “come and see” the Jesus who changes lives.

Lisa Roseman has been attending North Lake for over a year. Her daughter, Amanda, was saved in January of this year and their family has been a great encouragement to the ministries of North Lake. Lisa had been dealing with making a decision about following Christ for sometime and on March 21st she knew that it was time that she made her commitment. As tears flowed, she confessed with her mouth that Jesus was her Lord! My wife, Rebekah, and Lisa have been working together for over 2 years now, and have become close. It seems to me that there are no substitutes for personal relationships in the process of someone coming face to face with the truth about Christ. God uses His children to share about their relationship with Him, so that others can begin a relationship with Him as well. Please pray that we continue to do that at North Lake.

We began our summer by taking a group of students to serve Joplin the last week of May. It was a great trip in whichwe were able to cut and deliver wood to Mr. MaCallister, and work on the home of Miss Martin. We were blessed to have the opportunity to serve and I was proud of the young people of North Lake Church for giving their first week of summer vacation to aid others in need.

The disciple making process is a great endeavor and we covet your prayers. Our LifeGroups have expanded from two to six and we are seeing more and more opportunities come to light. Please pray that God will continue to grant us wisdom in this process and that He would provide/train leaders for the harvest (Luke 10:2).
Bro. Jamie

The pictures below show the people Bro. Jones writes about in his article. These are examples of what happens when God’s people establish relationships with those around them and show the love of God through service, helpfulness and interest in the lives of others. We should let God use us each day in helping others. Show them God cares and they will listen to you when you tell them about Jesus!