Lifeword gives sight to the blind

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Rick Russell, LifeWord’s Chief Programming Officer, received the following note the first week of January. It is a great reminder of our mission and calling. To read more stories of changed lives, visit

“Last month we had a very interesting visitor who traveled for twenty hours to come and meet us. He is a listener of the Kannada LifeWord program. It was interesting to know that he came to know Christ as his personal savior through the broadcast. This man traveled all the way by himself and was completely blind. He came wanting to meet us just to let us know how thankful he was for the program. He only spent a couple of hours with us and then headed straight back to where he was from. It was a very touching time for all of us who met him. In a country like India where our system neglects the physically challenged, it was such a joy to see his own just to come and thank the ministry. Let us all continue to work together so that we can reach out to many more like this young man who needed a savior.”

Prashant Prakash, Producer
– Kannada broadcast, India