Mission Director’s Final Report

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Mid-Year Report
May 16, 2015
Mt. Zion Baptist
Church, Poplar Bluff, MO

This will be my fial report before the BMA of Missouri as your state missions director. I have enjoyed the past 15 years serving you in this capacity. I have learned much about the state work, its pastors and lay leaders, and the churches that comprise this great association. I am
wiser and my soul has been tempered having served with you. So, it was with sadness that I announced my resignation, effective May 31, 2015 to the Advisory Committee when we met last month at Perryville. God has given my wife and I a great opportunity to serve in an exciting new
church plant in Northwest Arkansas. Although our ministry roots have been in Missouri for over 17 years, we feel that this move is God’s will for us, and we look forward to this next phase of
our life and ministry. Thank you for your kindness, support, and generosity over the years.
I am thankful to Bro. Todd West and Dr. Scott Attebery for their investment in our churches during the mission symposium. For those churches who gave a special offering to Camp Garwood,
I say “Thank You”. At the symposium an offering of nearly $750 was received for the replacement of the roof on the tabernacle. In addition to the offering, the association voted to cover the remaining balance for this project from the missions funds.

Bro. Hoffmann has agreed to continue to serve the association as assistant director
of missions and all checks can continue to be sent to the mail box address in Florissant, MO.

by Bro. Danny Kirk