Missions Symposium & Semi-Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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May 15, 2015 the annual Missions Symposium of the BMA of Missouri was held at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Poplar, Bluff. Special guest, Bro. Scott Attebery and Bro. Todd West shared a new initiative called “Activate” which is a coach-driven tool to help churches stop the decline and to experience good health and growth.

These brethren challenged us to realize the importance of evaluating our churches and shared ways to do this and the positive results it is having on those churches who are willing to apply the available tools.

Several of those present seemed to be eager to start the process and talked of plans for initiating this in some of their churches. Saturday, May 16, 2015, the messenger of our churches gathered to hold the mid-year business meeting of our association.

Newly elected moderator Bro. Brian Meade was well prepared with plans for congregational singing, a devotional, a message, and a well planned order of business. Bro. Russell Chitwood led the singing accompanied by Sis. Judy Fish at the piano. Host pastor, Bro. Matt Johnson brought a timely devotional based on Ephesians 3:20-21.

The messengers voted to amend our doctrinal statement to explain our belief on Creation (see “C”and “D” in Editor’s Note on page 3 under “Resolutions.) This change took place immediately for our State Association Doctrinal Statement.

Bro. Don Burke was re-elected as our clerk with Bro. Dale Fish as assistant clerk. In the clerk’s report, Bro. Burke noted that thanks to the work of Ashley Acres we can now go to
the BMA of Missouri web site and fid copies of most of the Minutes since our association began. A motion was made and passed that we give Sis. Ashley a love offering of $250 for her help in making these available online. To look up Minutes of the BMA of Missouri go to bmamissouri.org and click on “about us” then click on “Minutes” and select the year you need. Bro. Burke said he still needed copies of the Minutes for 1982, 1949, 1947 and all prior to 1946. If you have any
of these please contact him about borrowing them so they can be included in the online archives of our association. Contact him at potosipastor@gmail.com.

Editor James Hoffmann gave the report on the Missouri Missionary Baptist Paper noting that we fiished the first 6 months of this associational year with a balance in the bank of $596.53 but since the end of March the offerings have dropped and we are near a negative balance for operating funds. He asked that we prayerfully consider increasing regular support for this ministry. He also pointed out that it looks as though postage is going to increase dramatically after the fist of June this year.

Bro. Hoffmann also gave the Kenneth Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund report noting that we helped Bro. Jamie Jones with books and tuition during the last 6 months and that another pastor is enrolling in an off campus program and we will be helping him within the next two weeks. There is a balance of $20,903.70 in this account.

The Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Association report was given. Treasurer David Griggs reported that the balance in this fund is $ 353.818.77 which includes a balance on the
loan to Cornerstone Baptist Church, in Raymore of $33,100 and a total in the Grant Fund of $4,582.25. President Dennis Baker noted that this “Grant Fund” is money that is available
for grants to BMA of Missouri churches that have immediate fiancial needs. Please contact Bro. Baker if you need more information about this.

Bro. Dennis Baker, President of the State Brotherhood reported on the Men’s Spring Retreat and encourage our men and boys to watch for details on the Fall Retreat later this year.
We will run the announcement in this publication as soon as plans are finalized.

Sis. Janet Widger gave the State WMA report and commended those who helped with the gift bags and other things for hosting the National WMA in Springfild in April.

Bro. Don Burke gave a report from the Alive Committee which revealed the following:
1. That the same offiers be retained as last year. (Chairman – Jim Ainley; Assistant Chairman – Brad Banderman; Clerk/Treasurer – Don Burke.
2. Approval of the details for the 2015 Alive Conference:
• Date December 29-31.
• Location – Doubletree, Chesterfild
• Main Speaker – Michael Trent
• Worship Band – Jim Ainley Band
• Increase cost of Conference to $50 per person
3. Recommend that Dan Wisely be reelected to Committee/term ending in 2019.
4. Recommend that Caleb Houston (Kewanee) replace Brad Banderman (term ending 2018), with Brad to be picked up as a committeeman by the Meramec Association.
This report was approved and the recommendations were accepted.

The Special Missions Committee made the following recommendation to the Missionary Committee and
they were approved and accepted by the messengers present:
1. That we regrettably accept the resignation of Bro. Danny Kirk effective at the end of May 31, 2015.
2. That Bro. James Hoffmann, Assistant Director of Missions will assume the responsibilities as outlined in the Missions Policy Handbook as we search for a new Director.
3. That Bro. Kirk be allowed to keep the laptop computer that was purchased last year with Associational funds.
4. That we give Bro. Kirk a severance package of $100 per year for his 15 years of service.
5. That the Mission Symposium offering be designated to Camp Garwood for the new roof on the Tabernacle.

A motion was made to give Mt. Zion Baptist Church and her pastor a standing vote of appreciation for their great hospitality in hosting these meetings.

Following the adjournment of the business session Bro. Sean Kallner, Pastor of Springhill Baptist Church, Fairdealing, brought a very inspiring message entitled: Turning Things Rightside Up” based on Acts 17:1-7. He pointed out that the three things necessary to have the right affect on those around us are:
1. Integrity
2. Intensity
3. Involvement.

Our Annual Meeting will be held at Charity Baptist Church in Bismarck, Missouri, Saturday, October 24, 2015, starting at 9:00 a.m.

All churches of the BMA of MO are encouraged to be represented by letter and messengers at this meeting.