Mission Director’s Annual Report 2012

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October 27, 2012

This year we had some last minute speaker changes to our Mission Symposium plans. With a few minutes notice, Bro. Jamie Jones stepped up and did an excellent job in sharing his heart about the church planting efforts in Smithville. The Lord continues to bless the work with new leaders being raised up, new life groups started, and, in addition to a very public baptism of 10 souls in Smithville Lake. I spent a couple of days with the Jones family this month assessing a new associate, Jared Kathcart. I believe that Bro. Jared and his wife, Nikki, will be a wonderful addition to the staff at North Lake Church.

At the Symposium we received an offering from our churches in the amount of $2,397.58 to help the Abundant Life In Christ Baptist Church in Charleston, MO with their building fund.

The financial record will show that the offerings from the churches during the past associational year has continue to decrease from $42,648.14 to $39,829.36…a decrease of $2,800 for the year. I am very grateful for the 30 churches that continue to support the work of state missions and I want to encourage the remainder of our churches to please add state missions to their budgets.

A passion that has continued to grow within me is a desire to help our churches as well as our church planters. Of course, the energy and time this would require, has been hindered by my role as a pastor. I have been praying about my role as a Director of Missions and about my role as a pastor and what God would have me to do. Last week I informed the Lindsay Lane Baptist Church that I am resigning as pastor so I can give more time to the work of missions and offer my help to the churches of Missouri. Please pray for Lindsay Lane as they seek a new pastor and pray for me as I make myself available to our churches in the areas of church health, church planting, and leadership training. I am available to come to your church to preach and share about the work of missions.

Once again, I appreciate the opportunity to serve the churches of the BMA of Missouri.

by Danny Kirk