February 2022 – Mission Director’s Report

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Churches of the BMAMO:

I hope you have enjoyed this Christmas and New year season. It is hard to believe that we have already put a month into the books of 2022.

I want to encourage you to pray for our national Missionary Bro. Juan Fernandez, I know He does His own article, but as your missions director, it is imperative that I encourage you to lift him and his family up, not just for the ministries that He is conducting, but on every level.

One of the most disturbing principles in Scripture is the Golden Rule. Think about it, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

If you were Bro. Juan would you just want someone to pray for you occasionally and then only that you succeed as a missionary? No! You would want the people that populate the churches that support you to pray for every facet of your life. Such as: Finances, health, leisure, family, friends, spiritual health, possessions, as I like to say every facet of life. I know Bro. Juan and his family will be forever grateful if we pray like this for him.

Now what I have just illustrated is the very reason for the benchmark assessment, the assessment addresses how well you as an individual and a church are achieving this type of praying, and the pamphlet that accompanies it helps us get this lifestyle into a discipline. Please use the pamphlet weekly to help you accomplish this discipline. If I can help in any way please let me know.

Pastor, if you would like me to come this summer on a Wednesday, please contact me and we will set it up. May the Lord richly bless you all.

Again pastors please plan to come and bring your men with you to the Renewal Retreat at Camp Garwood March 25 – 26, 2022!

The Retreat is free but you need to register all that are coming from your church with me at 636-629-2526 or by email . We need to hear from you by right away.

Bro. Ben Kingston