From Missionary Jones – April 2013

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Dear Friends,
God has been blessing North Lake. This last Wednesday night, during one of our LifeGroup meetings, I noticed that 7 out of the 12 people who sat in my living-room were new believers. He has plans for all 12, but it was neat to recognize those 7. Seeing how God has used them over the past couple of years has been enjoyable. We are looking forward to adding to that number of new believers in the near future.

The Youth at North Lake who did the service project

My new associate missionary, Jared Kathcart led a successful “Disciple Now “weekend this last month. Our youth partnered with another church to complete a service project for a daycare in town. They painted, rearranged an office space, and studied Romans 12:1. We are seeing some new teens and ask that you pray for the salvation and discipleship of these young people.
This past Sunday we celebrated Easter. Our attendance was up, as we were blessed with 10 guests. The service was lively and smiles were adorning the faces of people who experienced some great worship through music, preaching, and fellowship. We worshiped a King who is alive!
Thank you to all who keep up with us, pray for us, and support us. We are blessed! We would like to ask that you diligently pray for us over the next six months. God is moving us forward toward His vision for North Lake and we have set several goals.
• Please pray that God would use us in His process of saving souls here in Smithville.
• Please pray for spiritual passion to increase among our people.
• Please pray for our Sunday morning worship gatherings to increase in attendance and fellowship.
Thank you and God Bless!
Jamie Jones