I got the perfect gift

150 150 Danny Kirk

In recent days I have been doing some research on the three wise men or magi’s that search for the Christ child that they may worship Him and present gifts. The visit of these mysterious men from ancient Iraq would cause quite a stir in the small hamlet of Bethlehem. Some scholars feel there may have been more than three and these very important and powerful men would have traveled with a huge entourage of hundreds. Perhaps the dark silhouettes, that we often see printed during this season, of three lonely men riding camels really doesn’t capture this momentous event.
The Bible record tells us that these men had three gifts to give: And when they down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh- Matthew 2:11. The gifts had a great deal to say about the Child and about His future ministry. The gold was a fitting gift for a King and the wise men realized that they were standing before royalty, the King of Kings. The frankincense, a wonderful fragrance used for incense points to the priestly and prayerful ministry of Christ. Myrrh was the perfumed resin or sap of a particular tree that was used in ancient times to prepare a body for burial. Of course this gift, given to One so young, prophesized His coming death for the sins of the world.
As I thought about those gifts…really perfect gifts, I realized that they are in a sense Christ’s perfect gifts to us as well. Consider the following three gifts that Christ gives to us:
1. Our lives are always better when we live obediently under the umbrella of the Lordship of Christ.
2. It is a joy to know that we can come boldly before a King who is also our great high priest. How encouraged we can be in this life knowing that Jesus offers intercessory prayers on our behalf.
3. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death…that will never change. But for those of us who believe in the gift of God’s Son, Jesus became our payment for sin.

Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. 2 Cor. 9:15

It is Carolyn’s and my wish that you and your family will experience the Christ of Christmas in a very special way this season. We thank you for the generous Christmas offering. May God bless our association in the coming new year!