Joplin and Mid-year Report 2011

150 150 Danny Kirk

Our hearts are breaking over the tragedy that has fallen to so many people in Joplin, MO. We have a good relationship with the BMAA churches in that area. Pastor Fred Vogel, the Director of Missions for Kansas and Western Missouri has been a good friend of mine and they are strong partners in the mission work in Smithville, MO. Grace Baptist Church, where Bro. Fred serves as pastor, was damaged in the tornado, but the building was still in good enough shape to serve as a relief center to provide food, water, clothing, and medical attention to those in need. I polled our Special Missions Committee and we agreed to send Grace Baptist an offering of $3000 to use in the relief efforts. I know that a number of our pastors and church members traveled to Joplin to help people who have lost so much. Thank you for caring!
In our mid-year meeting, we voted to support church planter Brad Faulk in the State of Washington. Over the next year, our financial support will be $200 per month, when after this time, we will review further action. Below you will find my midyear report to the association:

BMA of Missouri Mission Department
2011 Mid Year Report

The Jones family continues to do a good work in Smithville, MO. A number of families have joined the effort to plant a church in this area. Despite a harsh winter in Kansas City, the attendance continued to grow with a high of 59 on one Sunday and 70 for Easter Sunday. Justin William and his family moved to Smithville in January and have proven themselves to be a great asset to this church planting effort.

We were saddened to hear about the loss of one of our churches. Due to declining numbers, the Northside Baptist Church in St. Charles, MO closed its doors and sold their property. A number of agencies within the BMA of America were beneficiaries of the selling of the property. The remaining church members stipulated that financial gifts be given to state missions, the Missouri Baptist paper, and to the Alive Youth event. We are thankful for their faithfulness through the years and for their loyalty at the end of their ministry.

I have a number of goals that I would like to see accomplish in our State work in the next 12-18 months. Allow me to list them so you can make them a matter of prayer:
1. I desire that 10 of our churches would participate in the Transformation Church survey and assessment so as to better equip them to impact their community for the glory of God.
2. I desire that 5 new efforts at church planting would begin in our state. If this is to happen, it will not be according to our old model of placing a missionary full time on the field. It can happen if a number of our healthy churches will identify an area that can be reached by allowing leaders within their church to begin a home Bible study with the intentional goal of beginning a satellite church which can lead eventually to a new church.
3. I desire that I would be able to visit with 12 churches and three district associations within the BMA of Missouri to promote the cause of mission and church health.
Please join me in prayer for these efforts. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.

Danny Kirk

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