May 2015 – Mission Director’s Report

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Director’s Resignation….
The Mission Advisory Committee met in Perryville, MO this past month to prepare recommendations for our semi annual meeting. I informed the committee that the Lord had been preparing my wife and I for a new ministry adventure in the state of Arkansas. We are joining the staff at Grace Hills Church in Rogers, AR as their Community Pastor. Carolyn and I are excited about this opportunity and look forward to a very rewarding ministry. With this move in mind, I have resigned my position as Director of Missions effective May 31, 2015. Thank you for allowing me to serve you these past 15 years.

Symposium Program…
Friday evening, May 15, we will host our Annual Mission Symposium at Mt. Zion Baptist Church beginning at 6:00 p.m. Our special guests for the evening will be Dr. Scott Attebery and
Pastor Todd West. They will share with us a new initiative called “Activate” which is a
coach-driven program or tool to help churches to stop the decline and experience good
church health and growth. The following is a tentative schedule that we will try
to follow:
Worship in Song- Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Message- “The Importance of Evaluating Your Church” (Scott Attebery) 30 minutes
Break: 30 minutes
Training – “Introduction To Activate” a coach driven tool to help your church become more healthy. (Todd West) 60 Minutes

Cooperate Prayer Session – “Praying together for your church” (Todd West) 15-20 minutes
We have a lot of hurting churches within our state work and many of them can be described as “declining churches.” I hope that you will make a serious effort to attend the mission symposium at 6:00 PM on Friday evening. Pastors, please bring some of your lay people so they, too, can hear what is available to help them to stop the decline and once again dream of better days ahead!

I look forward to seeing you in Poplar Bluff!

Remember, the Goal for the Mission Symposium is the New Roof on the Tabernacle at Camp Garwood.

Bring a group from your church and a generous offering for Camp Garwood.