Mission Director’s Annual Report 2014

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Our partnership work with the Meramec Association and the BMA of America continued this year as we graciously extended our financial support to church planter Jamie Jones and the North Lake Church at Smithville, MO. God blessed the congregation with a larger and more visible facilities to meet in this past year. We rejoice with the folks at North Lake as several more people were saved and baptized this past year. With the addition of 17 souls this past summer, the church is well on its way to being firmly established. This past year, the BMA of America continued their financial support of an associate missionary for North Lake, Jared Kathcart. Jared is doing a great job hosting a small group and working with the youth at the church.

I was very happy that Larry Barker, John Herring, and Jamie Jones spoke at our annual Mission Symposium last May. Many of you shared with me that you really enjoyed the panel format and Q&A discussion that we had with the three missionaries on the blessings and challenges of planting a church in today’s culture. This year the mission symposium offering was designated for the Missouri Baptist Paper. Individuals and churches gave a gift of over $4400 to keep the paper solvent this year. Thank you! On a sadder note, it seems that attendance at the mission symposium continues to drop each year and we may need to make some determination in the near future concerning its effectiveness and its continuation.

The new church plant at Nixa, MO continues to flourish under the leadership of John and Alisha Herring. Our association provided a $1000 love offering last year to this project. Thank you for praying and for supporting this fine couple!

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Director of Missions for the past year.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny R. Kirk