Mission Director’s Midyear Report

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I am very happy that Bro. Larry Barker, John Herring, and Jamie Jones could come to our Symposium this year and share with us the work of missions. Several of you shared with me that you enjoyed the panel discussion with the three missionaries and that much was learned about church planting through this format. Our attendance was somewhat lower than last year, so if you enjoyed the Symposium, please encourage others to attend next year.
Bro. Jamie has come to the end of his 5 years of support and the mission will soon organize into a New Testament Church. North Lake Church has just recently moved into bigger facilities that also provides more visibility to the community. Let’s continue to pray that God will give North Lake great success in the years to come as they strive to win the people of Smithville to Christ.

John and Alisha Herring are doing a great work in Nixa, MO. Currently they have three life groups meeting each week, have held monthly preview services, and they will be hosting two worship services per month beginning in June. I believe they have between 50-60 people in attendance in their worship services. They are gearing up for this summer with several mission teams coming to help them. If your church would like to send a mission team, I’m sure that Bro. John would love to talk to you.

I also want to extend my appreciation to the churches that brought an offering for the Missouri Baptist Paper. At the time of this report at the Symposium the offering total was $1499.00. The financial report states that in this fiscal year we have received $23,397 from the churches. This is a decrease of $1,448 over the same period last year. Our expenses have been $27,264; a slight difference of $153 more than the same period last year. If you look at the record of offerings provided by the churches, you will find that 12 of our churches have not sent a offering for many months. I would ask that you prayerfully consider adding the BMA of Missouri missions to your budget.

Thank you again for allowing me to serve you!
Danny Kirk
Director of Missions for the BMA of Missouri