Mission Director’s Report – February 2012

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I was blessed last month with the privilege of going to the BMAA Mission Symposium in Conway, AR and speaking for a few moments on the  subject of coaching church planters. I am so excited about the direction that our national leaders are taking us in church multiplication. There has never been a better time to be a church planter within the BMAA. It was also good to see some of the brethren and their families at the Symposium from the great state of Missouri.

At the Symposium, our church planter, Jamie Jones, gave an excellent report on the work at Smithville, MO. Things continue to go well with Northlake Church as they multiplied their small groups this past month. Praise God…they went from two groups to five groups and they are steadily seeing souls saved!

Please check out our website at www.bmamissouri.org org. Brother Brad Miller has done an excellent job in organizing the site and keeping it current. There you can keep up with the upcoming events and organizations in our association
such as the WMA, Camp, and Brotherhood. If you have misplaced your copy of the Missouri Baptist, you will find past issues of the paper for downloading.

If you have something that you would like to see on the calendar, please contact Bro. Brad at: cheops123@sbcglobal.net