Mission Director’s Report – March 2012

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My wife and I just arrived back home from the annual BMA of Missouri WMA and Brotherhood meeting held at Stony Point Baptist near Potosi, MO. The WMA has been a faithful supporter of missions over the years. I am grateful for the past year’s offering to our church planting efforts in Smithville, MO and for their new project of raising funds for the building fund of the Abundant Life in Christ mission in Charleston, MO.

The Brotherhood has stepped up their activities in reaching out and mentoring our young men in BMA of MO churches. The Brotherhood is planning a wonderful time of fellowship and shooting guns at Camp Garwood the first week in May. A real live “Meat Shoot” has now been added to our associational events.

During this annual meeting Pastor Claude Evans preached a great message from the book of Acts. He showed us where God was opening hearts and homes to the gospel and that we needed to open our eyes to the opportunities before us.

I was also privileged to listen to the speaker for the ladies. Jaclyn Rowe, from First Baptist, Potosi did a wonderful job speaking to the ladies (and a few men)! If you need a great professional speaker, who is also a woman of faith, Jaclyn is someone you should consider.

I will be traveling to Smithville to spend three days with Jamie and Rebekah Jones. I am so happy with what God is doing there and look forward to meeting some of their newest members. Continue to pray for growth and maturity at North Lake Church.