October 2012 – From Bro Jones…

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Dear Friends,
Last week we held our 2nd annual “campfire fellowship” on September 25th – 27th. Campfire fellowship consists of food, friends, fire, & lots of laughs. The food was great, the fellowship among friends was quite enjoyable, and the laughs were plentiful.

The best part however, was the engaging discussions. We chose to focus on faith and studied John 4:43-54, in which Jesus heals the nobleman’s son from a distance. The first night started with a question: “Where are you in your faith?” That may seem like a simple question, but it led to a great discussion and some honesty among friends. We learned that on a scale of 1-10, many were as low as 2, and some were as high as 9 in their faith. We also admitted/confessed that our faith often fluctuated with circumstances. It was a good evening that got better as the night was ending. Sherri, a newcomer to North Lake announced that she had made her peace with God and placed her faith in Christ on Monday morning. Prayers had been answered, as many had been praying for that very thing. Tears were shed and faith grew that night.

On night two of the faith discussion we asked: “What would it take for your faith to grow?” Many answer’s were given, but one sticks out to me, “Watching someone come to Christ.” No-one knew what was about to happen as a young teen named Samantha says’ “I’ve been listening to what was said tonight, and I want faith”. So, as the fire flickered, we shared the process of salvation with Samantha and watched as God changed a life right before our eyes. Our faith was strengthened by watching what God does best, change people.
You see, when God changes people it affects the faith of others. The healing of the nobleman’s son in John 4 affected a lot of people. The nobleman went to Jesus in faith, his son was healed, his family became believers, and no doubt many who were under the authority of this nobleman were impacted by the miracle Jesus performed. God can work through your faith to bring about amazing impacts upon others.

Now this is cool… Samantha is Sherri’s daughter. Samantha’s dad Mike, was baptized in July of this year. God had been, and is still, working in the faith of this family.

Enjoying watching God change lives,

Jamie Jones,
Smithville, MO