October 2012 – Mission Director’s Report

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This past month I was involved in a 3-day long assessment of 8 church planting candidates and their wives for the BMA of America. During the assessment weekend, the candidates are asked to share their vision, their plan for reaching the community, demonstrate an ability to teach God’s word, demonstrate evangelistic skills, and also speak to a counselor about the state of their marriage. The assessment team is made up of 8 or more individuals and the purpose of the assessment is to help each candidate to fulfill God’s calling in their lives. Recommendations always include further training and an assignment of a coach to help them to move forward. It has been shown that when a missionary candidate receives assessment, training, and assigned a coach, his success rate will increase from around 25% and up to 80%. As someone who has been involved in 5 different church plants, I can say it is a brighter day within the BMAA for those who want to plant a new church and desire help in doing so.

One of the candidates in the assessment weekend was John and Alisha Herring. Bro. John and Alisha have been on the pastoral staff for
10 years with the Oasis Church in Maumelle, AR. If the Lord wills, they have a desire to move to Missouri to plant a church near the Springfield area. God has blessed their prayers and already two families from Oasis Church are making plans to relocate with them to begin this new work. In the next few months the Herrings will be on deputation seeking financial support from churches and individuals. If your church has a desire to become personally involved in church planting and working with a great family, please consider helping the Herrings with your support.

by Bro. Danny Kirk