October 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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I am looking forward to our annual meeting to be held at Bethany Baptist in St. Louis October 26. Pastor James Hoffmann and the great folks at Bethany have proven themselves to be wonderful hosts in the past and I know they will welcome us again. It’s a great opportunity for all of us to connect with one another and conduct the Lord’s business. I have been told that there will be representatives from our Seminary and the BMAA Mission Office in attendance. Churches, please make it a priority to send your pastor and messengers to our annual meeting.

This past year I have enjoyed visiting and preaching in our churches across the state. Thank you for the invitations and the opportunities to speak about missions. For the moment, I cannot accept any more invitations. After the resignation of Pastor Tim Boatright at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles, I have been asked to serve as their interim pastor. Bro. Tim and Connie have served this church for 12 years, and we can only imagine how difficult it will be for this church to transition to a new shepherd. Please be in prayer for them as they search for God’s man.

By Danny Kirk