By the time most of you read this we will be half-way through our fnal month in this associational year. The new associational year begins October 1st and all departments of our work will give their annual reports summarizing what we have done this past year and presenting recommendations for your consideration about what we plan to do in this new year.
Please pray that we will be sensitive to the needs and to God’s plan for meeting those needs. Our host pastor for the annual meeting in October, Ben Kingston, has invited Bro. Gene Hankins to preach in our worship service and I am looking forward to hearing him preach and to visit with him at this meeting. Bro. Hankins is a successful pastor and is also the Missions Director for the BMA of Oklahoma. He has led his church and the BMA of Oklahoma in church planting and I look forward to what he can share with us that might spark a fire of planting churches in our churches here in Missouri.
We continue to pray for churches in Missouri that are searching for pastors and hope God will burden more preachers to get involved in pastoring and not be satisfed with just “preaching” when the opportunities arise. Brethren, we need a burden
for ministry if our churches are going to grow and plant more churches!
Please pray for me as I try to encourage churches and preachers who are discouraged and who are searching for God’s leadership in their ministries. We serve THE MIGHTY GOD and need to give Him our best e?ort in all we do! If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.
If you have any ideas that will help us in the work in Missouri PLEASE share them with me or with any member of our Special Missions Committee so we can consider them when we meet before the annual meeting to formulate recommendations about the work in 2018 – 2019. This committee meeting will be taking place within the next few weeks so we need to hear from you as soon
as possible.
The members of this committee are: Ben Kingston, Chairman; Dan Wisely, Clerk; Claude Evans, Russell Chitwood, Dale Fish, Don
Burke, and Brian Meade. These men would welcome your input and help in doing the work the association has given us to do. If you need to meet with the committee that can be arranged if we know of your desire early enough to make the arrangements.
I look forward to working with you and enjoying your fellowship at our annual meeting at Bethel Baptist Church, Lonedell. Let’s pray that the year ahead will be a great year of seeing souls saved, preachers encouraged, and churches growing!