One Hundred Years from NOW!

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by Jeff Swart, BMAA President

Five thousand pastors were recently surveyed and asked, “What do you think is the greatest need in the church today?” Interestingly enough, 98% listed as their number one or number two response: “To get the laymen involved in doing the work of the ministry.” The results of this survey is certainly no surprise to pastors since most of them know that the Pareto Principle is true: 20% of the people do 80% of the work in the church.

It is amazing to me how busy people are today. Everyone is busy! From the family with children to the retired couple, everyone complains about being busy. I confess that I too am busy. Have you noticed that busy people are never too busy to stop and tell you how busy they are? In fact, I have done that very thing!

I am not alarmed at the fact that almost everyone is busy, but I am alarmed at what they are busy doing. Most believers are busy doing things that have nothing to do with the Lord’s work. Therefore, when they run out of time, guess who gets cut out of their busy schedule? That’s right — God.

When addressing the subject of priorities, Jesus shared this commandment with His disciples, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33 NIV). What “things” was Jesus referring to? He promised that, if we put Him first, He would provide the food, drink and clothing that we need. (Matt. 6:25-32) So the principle is simple — if you want to save some time in your busy schedule, put Jesus first in all things and then He will provide the essentials of life.

Someone once penned these thought provoking words: “One Hundred years from now, it won’t matter if you lived in a Fifth Avenue mansion or in an alley shack; whether you wore expensive suits or hand-me-downs; whether you were known among the world’s elite or to the vast army of nobodies…”

So the next time you are about to break under the load of a busy schedule, think about what will matter a hundred years from now. In reality, only what you have done for Christ will matter then! If that is all that will matter then, that is all that should matter now!