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by Roy Callahan, Pastor of London Hill Baptist Church

Why is it important that we have a Brotherhood? That could be a question on your mind as you read this article. The Brotherhood is made up of the men in your church and its purpose is expressed in the Missouri State Brotherhood’s Mission Statement, Focus, and Core Values that were adopted at the State  meeting, March 5, 2011. This serves as a guideline for all church Brotherhood’s.  The Mission Statement is as follows: “The Brotherhood Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri shall promote Christian Fellowship, biblical leadership education, and mentoring for the older men and young men of our churches.”  Core Value number 4 states, “We value Biblical instruction concerning older men mentoring younger men.” In this article I want to consider three areas where older men are of great value
to younger men of the church.

I. By Their Presence

In our churches (and homes) the presence of men is very important. In a conversation with one of my church members recently she remarked that men are absent in many homes today.  We talked about how this has a great negative impact on the young men as they grow up.  The presence of older (mature) men acts as a stabilizing force whenever young men are involved, whether it is in a church or in a home. Boys need men in their lives and men need to give the boys help in growing and maturing.  A church that is growing and active has men who stand for Christ in word and deed. Their presence in important.

II. By Instilling Peace

Everyone is searching for peace and we are reminded daily that many (especially young people) are trying to find peace in the wrong places or by the wrong way. This leads to trouble, heartache and even suicide.  Men of God know where to find real peace and we need to share Christ with young men. We do this through example and through personal guidance as we work with young men in church.  Many of these young men do not have a good influence in their
homes but we can help them by showing some interest in their lives and letting them know we care. Let’s show them what real peace is and where they can find it.

III. By Giving Purpose

Why are we here? Everyone wants to have a purpose. John 15:11 says, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” Jesus wanted those early Christians to have full, joyful lives. We have purpose (joyful and fulfilling lives) when we follow Christ’s teachings. The more we know about Christ the more we can get out of life, the greater our purpose in life becomes, and the greater will be our influence on others along the way. The older men in the church should teach the younger men about Christ and how to apply His teachings to their lives. I know my life became fuller as I applied the examples and principles that were set by my mentors. Without them I would have not had the courage to follow God’s leadership in my life. Brotherhood is very important. It is important to the men who participate as they find fulfillment in fellowship with other men and in mentoring younger men and boys. It is important to the young men and boys to know someone cares about them and wants to help them develop into men of God that will in turn help others. It is important to your church that you, as a man, take responsibility and work with other men and boys for God’s glory.

Article published in the December issue of Missouri Missionary Baptist Paper.