Brotherhood Spring Retreat

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The BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Spring Retreat was a great blessing! The weather was ideal and eighteen men studied the Scriptures, fellowshipped, and of course enjoyed great food prepared by Bro. Lucas Polk.
Bro. Roy Callahan prepared a wonderful devotion entitled, “Are you ready?” Bro. Callahan’s devotion focused on “Are you Ready” to serve the Lord when you face adversity in your Christian journey. Following our devotion time, we enjoyed personal testimonies from several of the men. It was wonderful blessing listening to their experience of salvation.

After breakfast on Saturday the men enjoyed the Third Annual Turkey Shoot. Jeremy Nettington and Roy Callahan were the winners of the Turkey Shoot.
There was a three-way tie between Brian Whitlock, James Callahan, and Don Adams in the Skeet Shoot with six of nine hits.

I would like to encourage the men of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri that do not have an organized brotherhood, to start a brotherhood within your local church. The purpose of the brotherhood is to promote Christian fellowship, biblical leadership education, and mentoring.
This ministry depends on the financial support of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri. We want to encourage your church to support this ministry.

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President