Garwood camp director’s report – April 2012

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I would like to say the Paintball Retreat was again a great time for everyone who attended. We had 35 players and close to 20 non players present. There are pictures and a video on Facebook in the Camp Garwood group. If you haven’t seen them check it out! Thanks to everyone who helped support this retreat.

Don’t forget about the Men’s retreat May 4-5th and the GMA retreat July 13-14th. Both are going to be great weekends.

On June 9 & July 7th we will have cleanup/work days. Try to set one or both of these weekends aside to bring your youth to camp. There are a few light construction tasks that can be done along with regular grounds clean up and maintenance. Of course my family and I will be at camp on many other weekends. If neither of these dates work for you contact me and set up your own time to help.

Though we don’t have a lot of funding for major projects this year. I’m working on a couple new recreation activities to keep everyone cool and hav’n fun. Along with a few low budget upkeep projects. I’m excited about camp and hope you are too. Please join us in praying for The Harper Family, Bro Dustin Wisely, our class teachers, the cooks, and each soul that will be at camp this summer.

And, Invite someone to Camp Garwood July 30- Aug 3rd!
Chris Polk