Mid-Year Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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The messengers of the Churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri met May 18, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. in the facilities of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Sikeston.
President Claude Evans called the meeting to order and the messnegers were seated as a call was made for changes in the By-laws.

The Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Association Trustees presented changes in the By-laws for this committee which were necessitated by the incorporation of our association last year. These changes were adopted.

Bro. Don Burke was re-elected as our Recording Secretary and Bro. Dale Fish was re-elected as our Assistant Recording Secretary.
It was noted that the meeting place for our annual meeting needed to be changed and the moderator called for invitations. Bethany Baptist Church in St. Louis extended an invitation and the messengers voted to accept the invitation to meet at Bethany October 26, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Reports for the following entities were heard: The Kenneth E. Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund; the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper; the Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Committee; the Recording Secretary’s Report, and the ALIVE Committee.
The Missionary Committee met and recommended that we designate $800 of the director’s monthly salary as housing allowance. They also recommended that we give a love offering of $1,000 to each of the three missionaries who spoke ot the Missions Symposium Friday evening. Such offering was for their work funds.
Following the Missionary Committee meeting the messengers voted to approve their recommendations.

The Encampment report was given via a video presentation. Camp Evangelist for this year will be Bro. Wade Allen who is serving in the Phillipines.

The Brotherhood report was given.
All reports were accepted by the messengers.

A standing vote of appreciation was given to Bethel Baptist Church and Pastor Jerry Adams for their wonderful hospitality .
Bro Jerry Adams then brought a message that challenged us to be witness for Christ using examples of people in the Bible who let the Power of God help them witness to others.

Following the message the meeting was adjourned until October. We enjoyed a delicious meal provided by Bethel and a wonderful time of fellowship in the activity building.