The 2014 BMA of Missouri Mission Symposium and Mid-Year Meeting

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Friday evening,May 16, 2014, approximately 25 people from BMA Churches across Missouri met at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles for the annual Mission Symposium. A very interesting program was presented by Missions Director Danny Kirk featuring Missionaries Jamie Jones and John Herring along with BMA of America Director of Church Planting Larry Barker.

Bro. Kirk led in a question and answer session giving each of these men an opportunity to answer questions regarding missions and how they go about planting churches, making disciples, and building a work for the Lord. It was a time of learning as we focused on the work that these men are doing.
Following the question and answer portion of the meeting, Bro. Larry Barker brought a challenging message about Our Vision based on Nehemiah chapter 2. He pointed out that Vision is usually born in the heart of an individual, 2:1-6; Vision grows with the help of many, 2:7-9; Vision dies because of a few, 2:10, 19; and Vision succeeds because of the faith of all, 2:20.

Each person attending went away with a greater appreciation for those who are planting churches for the Lord.
Several churches contributed offerings at the symposium for the goal which was the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper. You can see the report of offerings received before, during, and after the symposium on page 6. Thanks for the great support!

Saturday Morning, May 17, 2014, a larger crowd gathered for the mid-year meeting of the BMA of Missouri. President Claude Evans was well prepared and did a great job leading this meeting. Host Pastor, Justin Arender, brought a challenging devotional based on I Chronicles 12:18, which was followed by the seating of the messengers.

Bro. Don Burke was reelected as Recording Secretary with Bro. Dale Fish being reelected as Assistant. Bro. Wayne Gibson was elected to fill the term of Bro. Ted Hurley (who has moved out of state) on the Loan Committee.

Following each report a prayer was offered in behalf of that department or committee and the ministry represented.
During the Mission Report it was noted that Bro. Jamie Jones had come to the end of his five year support and was transitioning the mission to self-support. We voted to continue financial support for this work by sending them $500 a month designated for “rental or payments” on a place to meet. This support will be reviewed at each association meeting. The work in Smithville is progressing well.

A motion and second was passed to express our appreciation to Faith Baptist Church and their pastor for their hospitality by a standing vote of appreciation.

The business portion of the meeting was adjourned and a message, entitled “Giving Up or Looking Up” based on Luke 18:1-8, was delivered by Bro. James Hoffmann.

We then enjoyed a delicious meal provided by the host church, and visiting with each other before departing for home.

Our annual meeting will be at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto, Missouri, October 25, 2014. The starting time is 9:00 a.m. Please mark this date and make plans to meet in DeSoto.