Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMA of America 2014 Resolutions

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WHEREAS, we live in a society that is moving further and further away from the concepts of God and His Word, we shall resolve to:

  1. Be more committed to our own personal study of God’s Word, spending time in prayer and preparing ourselves to be better fit for His service.
  2. Be available and willing to work and serve in each of our own local churches and strive to help make a difference in our communities.
  3. Be faithful and supportive in our State Associational work.
  4. Join together nationally, with urgency as we realize the soon return of our Savior, to help the Baptist Missionary Association of America keep the Great Commission and carry the Gospel to the world.

Resolutions Committee
Jodi Rhea – Oklahoma
Debbie Clark – Oklahoma
submitted by Norma Womble, Reporter