Prisoners Bible Crusade

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Paul Lee, Director
As of May 31st the following reports show the the records for this year:
2,242 English Bibles; 140 Spanish Bibles; Bibles total,2,382; 0 New Testaments; All Study Books 500; 320 Study helps, total for all Bibles and material to date in 2012 is 3,202. These were sent into 19 prisons.

Chaplains report 131 people saved (20,420 since 1/1/2000). 2 new Chaplains requesting Bibles for the 1st time in 2012. PBC’s Evangelistic Team has conducted 10 Worship services in prisons in 2012. (Since 1973, 210,633 Bibles; 58,099 New Testaments; Total Bibles and material: 622,801.)

I have traveled 6,724 miles. I have personally seen 5 confession of Faith in Jesus Christ in 2012 (347 since 1/12000), and 7 Re dedications; visited 5 churches, 16 association meetings and 50 prison visits, taught 42 Bible study classes, taught 1 volunteer worker’s class, preached 10 sermons in prisons and sent a total of 55 CD/DVD sermons into prisons.

The new jail in Hancock County, Mississippi in now open and we put the very first Bibles and study books into the jail. Also, I am now serving as a Volunteer Chaplain there one day a week. When Worship Services start there we plan to take our evangelistic team in for services.

Once again our thanks for your prayerful support of this Bible Ministry!! Isaiah 55:11 inside prisons!


From a Missouri Pastor: Hello Bro. Lee: We met at the national meeting in Jackson, MS. I also do jail and prison minis¬try. I go to three county jails and to the Southeast Correctional Facility at Charleston, MO. You gave me a case of Bibles at the meeting and I really appreciate them and the opportunity to get the Word of God to those who are in lock up. If you could please send more Bibles, it would be greatly appreciated. J.A.

From an Inmate in Florida
Dear Sirs, My name is C.B. I am a inmate at Wakulla Correctional Institute in FL. I came upon your booklet, “Starting My Life with Christ” and “How to deal with sin in daily Life” here at the prison. I am writing to you in hopes that you offer a Bible study course. If so, I’d like to sign up for it. I thank you for your time and caring; May you be blessed.

A note from Brother Paul:
We do not offer Bible study courses. When we receive a letter from Inmates for Bible study courses we direct them to other prisons ministries that do give them. I have a list of 7 ministries that will give Bible study courses to prisoners.
Phone 601-798-1341