Resolutions of Moral Action

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Resolution #1
Appreciation for our Military
Whereas, U.S. Military appreciation is needed. The cause and cost of freedom, democracy and peace is being advanced by the diligent and courageous performance of members of our United States military, who serve our country faithfully, both here and abroad, while they are aggressively engaged in the global war on terror; and
Whereas, All the conflicts have not been fought and or soldiers are still in the battle to win the war as well as restore civil order at the risk of their own livers; and
Whereas, Military service entails a comprehensive sacrifice from each soldier and from their families, friends, and communities, now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 2014, commend and salute our service men and women, in all branches of the military who are serving faithfully and honorably, both at home and abroad; and be it further
Resolved, that we pray for the safety and well-being of our military personnel at all times, with particular attention to those who are in harm’s way; and be it finally
Resolved, That we express reverent thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Judge of all nations, who is mightier than all armies and who alone is able to save, and ask His continued guidance and mercy upon our troops and our nation.
Resolution #2
The Destruction Made by Gambling

Whereas, the tidal wave of gambling in our country has left in its wake pain and destruction in the lives of countless individuals, including children, poor and the elderly, and
Whereas, many state governments have believed the lie that state-sponsored gambling will improve their local economy and provide funds for education, despite evidence to the contrary, and
Whereas, state government by tacit approval of the so-called benefits of gambling become a predator rather than a protector of its constituents, and
Whereas, the commercial advertising of gambling further increases the negative effects, and
Whereas, often the tide of gambling has been turned n American history by God’s people who knelt in confession and stood in conviction;
Be it Therefore Resolved, that we, the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America assembled in Little Rock Arkansas, April 2014 call on all Christians to exercise their influence by refusing to participate in any form of gambling or its promotion; and
Be It Finally Resolved, that we urge our political leaders to enact laws restricting and eventually eliminating all forms of gambling and its advertisement.
Resolution # 3
Recognize the need to elect Godly leaders to political offices

Whereas, politicians sometimes will proclaim Christianity; and
Whereas, some corrupt politicians use religion for political ends; and
Whereas, these type of political leaders are guilty of selling faith for corrupt power;
Be it therefore resolved, that we born again believers in Christ work to elect good and Godly men and women who share our Biblical values and who support our churches’ policies of morality; and
Be it therefore resolved, that we urge these Godly political representatives to take care of the public trust; and
Be it therefore, further resolved, that the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 2014, work diligently to elect good and Godly men and women to public offices in the United States.
Resolution #4
To stand firmly against homosexuality

Whereas, Christians can and should minister to homosexuals and lesbians in a biblical manner; and
Whereas, God can work through our lives to minister and touch those that are practicing this immorality; and
Whereas, our pulpits and lecterns can proclaim the destructiveness of the Gay Rights Movement in America;
Therefore, be it resolved, that we urge the Baptist Missionary Association of America messengers meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas in April 2014, to take a Biblical stand against homosexuality in a Christian manner.
Resolution #5
Reaffirmation of the United State government to support and help protect the Jewish nation of Israel, God’s people

Whereas, we believe Jehovah God attested both the existence and the continuing existence of the Jewish people and be the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and
Whereas, we pray for peace in the Middle East; and
Whereas, we Christians believe that the present state of Israel maintains a divine right to the land given to Abraham;
Therefore, be it further resolved, that the messengers and churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas in April 2014, urge the United States government to maintain a recognition of Israel and support unequivocally her right to exist as God’s people.

These resolutions were adopted by the messengers of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America in their annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas April 2014