September 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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We are getting ready for our Annual State Association which meets at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis October 10, 2020. Various committee are meeting and getting ready to give their annual reports and bring recommendations for the approval of the messengers of the church that make up our great Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri

Because our mid-year meeting was cancelled in May it seems like it has been a long time since we have meet as an association of churches. Please note the messages on the first page of this issue of the paper to see the changes our Moderator and Host Pastor are suggesting we follow at this meeting because of the pandemic we are experiencing this year.

We are praying that each church will send their three messengers and each committee member will be ready with progressive reports and recommendations to present for consideration. Please make sure your church is represented.

Your Missions Director and the Special Missions Committee will meet in a few days to get ready for the annual association. They will be presenting a nomination for Missions Director and offering some recommendations that we hope will increase our outreach across Missouri and surrounding states. Please pray for us as we seek God’s will in the work you have entrusted to us.

It is encouraging to hear reports of how people around the world are opening up to the Gospel during the troublesome times that everyone is experiencing. May we look for opportunities to minister to our friends, families, neighbors and others as many are seeking answers that can only be answered through God’s Word and God’s wisdom.

September is officially the last month I will be serving as Missions Director for the BMA of Missouri. Of course I will be assisting in the transition to a new director through the month of October and will give my annual report at the annual meeting.

It has been an honor and a privilege for me to serve in this capacity since 2015. I am disappointed that we have not had more success in our State Mission work and that we have seen some churches close in these years instead of seeing new churches planted.

I have enjoyed getting to know more of our pastors and churches as I have had the privilege to visit association meetings and worship services all over our great state. It has been uplifting to see many pastors working faithfully in their fields and growing through experience as they serve the Lord.

Thank you for your support, patience, cooperation, and encouragement over these years. I especially appreciate the Special Missions Committee for their dedication and assistance as we have met, prayed, discussed, debated, planned, and worked together in this great work!

Let’s support our new director as we go forward!

By James Hoffman, Mission’s Director