The Joy of the Men’s Fellowship

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by James Hoffman

Twenty-five men and boys gathered at Camp Garwood September 28th – 29th for the Fall Men’s Retreat. Lucas Polk and Manuel had arrived early and prepared a delicious barbecue meal that was enjoyed by all. The camp ground looked beautiful with freshly mowed “green” grass and the fall colors starting to show in the trees on campus and around on the hills.

A few men had also arrived early and did some deer hunting but they did not have anything to brag about as they had not been able to bag any game.
Following the evening meal, Bro. Jerry Adams brought a great devotional on how every saved person can and should be an evangelist by telling others what Jesus has done for them. Using the stories of the demon possessed man of Gadara and the woman at the well in Samaria, he emphasized how they both told others about their experiences with Jesus and many believed on Him as a result.

The evening continued with Bro. Dennis Baker building on the theme of witnessing to others and challenging us to use our experiences with the Lord to tell others about Him.
He used the hunting experience and how we get others interested by telling them our experiences and then mentoring them as they get involved.

Many commented on how they were moved to reflect on their own experiences, how they enjoyed this time to hear the experiences of others and how they were moved to be better witnesses.
There were some door prizes of “beef jerky” given out before we dismissed.
Following a time for visiting among ourselves we retired for the night.
A delicious breakfast of biscuits, sausage, bacon and eggs, was enjoyed at 7:30 Saturday morning. This was followed by the archery competition.
Winners in the various division are as follows:

Deer Shoot

  • 1st Place – Manuel Spraggs
  • 2nd Place – Tom Foster
  • 3rd Place – Lucas Polk


  • 1st Place – Caleb Foster
  • 2nd Place – Bradley Evans
  • 3rd Place – Dennis Moenmann

Target Shoot

  • 1st Place – Lucas Polk
  • 2nd Place – Caleb Foster
  • 3rd Place – Tie
    Bradley Evans
    Manuel Spraggs

Go to this gallery for pictures of some of the activities and participants at this year’s retreat. Even though everyone did not participate in the competition, everyone had a great time. It was especially enjoyable to see some of the experienced participants “mentoring” those boys and men who had less training. The spirit of fun and cooperation was a blessing to behold as all present seemed to be more interested in having a good time rather than “win.”

Thanks to Bro. Chris Polk for his facebook pictures some of which are included on this page of the paper. We hope it helps you understand the joy experienced as our men and boys fellowship in this way. Watch for details about our next Retreat and make plans to get in on the action!