Until The End by Paul Bullock

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Greetings! I would like to invite every church in our association to be represented by attendance or official letter at the 63rd annual meeting of the BMA of America. The meeting is scheduled for April 16-18, 2012 at the Jackson Convention Complex in Jackson, Mississippi.

The theme for the meeting, “Until the End,” is based upon Hebrews 6:11 (we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end). The theme will focus on the challenge to make a long term impact through our departments as an association and our ministries as local churches and individuals.

Every action Jesus took, every message He shared, every miracle He performed, and every day of His life revolved around His desire to make an eternal impact on all those with whom He came in contact. He raised up disciples and challenged them to do likewise. The writer of Hebrews has challenged us to do the same, and it is my prayer for our association that we will follow Jesus’ example.

Monday evening’s session will focus on the meeting’s theme. Tuesday morning will provide meeting opportunities for auxiliaries, departmental and agency boards and the Pastors’ and Laymen’s Conference. The highlight of Tuesday night’s service will be the annual message by George Reddin. Business will be held on Tuesday afternoon and also Wednesday morning and afternoon. The annual meeting will climax with the Missions Department report and commissioning service on Wednesday night.

Remember that proposed constitutional amendments must be submitted in writing to the clerks of the association no later than February 1. I ask you to please pray for a meeting that honors our Savior.