Alive Conference 2011

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My Identity is Found in Christ
by Jim Ainley, ALIVE Committee Chairman

The stage for Alive 2011 was set at the Airport Hilton in St.Louis during the last three days of December. Nearly 280 students and sponsors attended the conference designed to teach us about our identity and how it is found in Christ alone. We were led in worship by Broken Vessels (, a band with members from Tennessee and Louisiana. They did an excellent job in setting our hearts towards heaven and preparing us to listen to God through His Word. Dustin Wisely from Magnolia, Arkansas was the main speaker. He spoke like a polished veteran, and without a lot of hype and fanfare simply shared the Word of God. He reminded everyone that if we really want to grow, then we have to be in the Word. And as God often does, He touched and changed lives through the preaching of His Word. At least 6 people gave their lives to Christ, and many others recommitted their relationship with God.

A new feature in this year’s conference was small group break-out sessions. Blake Shelby of PSE Archery and Johnny LaGrand (from Potosi) of Mountain Screamer Game Calls spoke to the young men about being a godly man in a world that is telling us to be otherwise. Erin Kingston (war veteran and formerly from Bethel Baptist Church, Lonedell) and Jaclyn Rowe (FBC/Potosi; talked to the ladies about such real life issues as modesty, hypocrisy, being a true woman of God, and where to find our identity when things don’t go like we planned.

On the lighter side, 321 Improv ( entertained us and made us laugh till we cried. Check out their website to see what they are all about.

The Alive Committee would like to thank you for all the support and prayers, and we look forward to seeing you at the 2012 Alive Conference. Be looking for our new website coming early 2012. Like us on Facebook: Alive Ministries – Youth Alive Conference

Here are a few pictures from the recent Youth Alive Event in St. Louis.

The youth alive devotional book is available online for free from: