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“Gratitude is the Attitude of Giving Thanks”

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“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
I Thessalonians 5:18

Our Father has blessed us by forgiving our sin and promising us eternal life and it is our privilege to remember to thank Him everyday for all His blessings. We need to cultivate the attitude of gratitude and express our thankfulness continually. As we enter this “Thanksgiving Season” remember that we need to praise Him, not only with our voices, but with our thoughts, actions, words and deeds.

A good way to cultivate the attitude of gratitude is to start each day thinking about how Good God is to us and thanking Him all day long as we experience His mercy and grace.

This will be an especially joyful Thanksgiving because we have the attitude of gratitude!

93rd Annual Session of the BMA of Missouri

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9:00 a.m. October 10, 2020, the officers of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri met with church messengers and some visitors at Zion Missionary Baptist Church in south St. Louis for the 93rd annual meeting of the association.

Bro. Van Widger led the congregation in singing “What a Friend we Have in Jesus” with Sis. Norma Womble playing the piano.

Host Pastor, Dennis Baker, welcomed those present and introduced Bro. Chris Polk who brought a devotional entitled “Trouble and Faith Go Hand in Hand,” using I Corinthians 4:1-12 as his text.

Moderator Ben Kingston asked the messengers to stand and declared the meeting in order to transact any business that claims our attention. He then called for a preliminary report of the enrollment committee. This report showed there were 27 churches represented by 26 messengers and three churches represented by letter only. A total of $1,807.00 had been given for clerk hire and printing of the Minutes. There was one petitionary letter presented. Westview Baptist Church in Jefferson City petitioned for membership in the BMA of Missouri, a motion and second was made and passed by the messengers. The moderator asked Bro. James Hoffmann to extend the hand of fellowship to the pastor and two other messengers of Westview in behalf of the state association.

The moderator called for the Publication Committee Report. Committee chairman, Bro. Don Burke gave the report which recommended the following: Re-elect Bro. James Hoffmann as Editor; re-elect Bro. Don Burke as assistant Editor; retain the Editor’s salary at $800. month, with half of that amount designated as business expenses; and that we give a Christmas gift of a month’s salary to the editor.

Bro. Hoffmann gave the editor’s report. Both reports were approved by the messengers.

Bro. Chris Polk gave the Camp Report (see page 7). A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept this report and commend Bro. Chris and the Camp Committee for their decision to cancel the 2020 Camp, and that we pay the balance owed on the camp’s loan and pay their insurance for 2020-2021.

Bro. Don Adams, clerk of the BMAMO Loan Association, gave the committee report. Bro. Dennis Baker, Director of the Loan Association gave his report with his and the committee’s recommendations (see Page 6). These reports were approved by the messengers.

Due to the absence of the President of the Alive Committee, the Moderator called for Bro. Brad Banderman, a Alive Committee member to give this committee’s report.

Bro. Banderman reported that the 2020 Alive Student Conference for students in grades 6 through 12 is schedule for December 28-30, 2020 at the Doubletree Hotel and Conference Center in Chesterfield again this year with Bro. Tony Crocker as the speaker. For more details go to

Bro. James Hoffmann gave the Kenneth Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund report noting that there was no income or expenditures in this department since last year. The balance on hand remains at $12,112.99.
The State Brotherhood financial report was read by Bro. Roy Callahan with President Dennis Baker making comments about the annual meeting which was at Ohlman, Bunker.

Sis. Sharon Page, State

WMA President read her report of the Annual WMA meeting at Ohlman,Bunker.

Ben Kingston, Director of our State Renewal Retreat for pastors and pastoral leaders, spoke about the disappointment in not having the retreat in 2020, but assured us that he is planning one for early next year and will announce more about it through the Missouri Missionary Baptist. The messengers approved that the BMAMO will pay 1/2 of the expenses of this retreat which is a joint effort with the Meramec Association. Watch for more details.

Bro. Charley Holmes, President of the BMA Seminary and Director of Baptist Publications spoke to us about the need for support for various projects to help our pastors and leaders as well as those in foreign countries, The messengers approved spending $5,000 to help in these projects that will profit all our work.
The Moderator recessed the normal business meeting which opened the time for our Missionary Committee to meet. Missionary Committee chairman, Bro. Claude Evans called the meeting to order. There were 15 committeemen present. The Special Missions Committee submitted their recommendations (see Page 8) which were approved by the Missionary Committee and eventually by the messenger body.

With the approval of these recommendations Bro. Ben Kingston is now serving as our State Missions Director. Please note below that Missions Offerings need to be sent to a new address because we will be using a different bank in a different location.

As our business was drawing to a close, Moderator Kingston called for a final report of the enrollment committee. There was a total of 25 churches represent at the meeting with 45 messengers present and 3 churches who represented by letter only. A total of $2,050 was received for Minute Fund and Clerk Hire.

Bro. Jerry Adams was elected as Moderator, with Bro. Ben Kingston elected as Assistant Moderator, Bro. Don Burke as Clerk and Bro. Matt Bolen as Assistant Clerk.

The messengers voted to have our Mid-year Meeting and Missions Symposium at New Testament Baptist Church in Sullivan. The dates are May 14th for the Symposium and May 15th for the Semi-annual meeting.

They also voted to have the annual meeting at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles. It will take place October 9th.

The resolutions Committee for next year is Bro. Matt Bolen, Bro. Benjamin Kingston, and Bro. Michael Hearst.

The messengers and officers gave a rising vote of appreciation to Pastor Dennis Baker and Zion Baptist Church for doing an excellent job of hosting this meeting under the difficult circumstances. We appreciate their hospitality.

October 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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A Page From My Heart…

This will be the new article tag from me from this point forward while I am your missions director.

Saturday October 10th at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis at our annual Baptist Missionary annual meeting of the State Association the churches approved the recommendations of the Special Missions Committee to hire me as their Missions Director. And believe it or not, the vote passed.

I have had a burden for this ministry since hearing that Bro. Hoffmann was going to resign.

I Do not, in any level, feel qualified but I do feel called and yes, I am depending on the age old cliché that God qualifies the called!

I have a burden for our missions effort throughout the state and have a tremendous desire to see our churches once again answer the call to plant churches.

We have set aside the next three months for training and will be getting to you the address for where to send your missions offerings. (It is on Page 1 of this issue.) But my first challenge is for each church to make a special effort to lift up the Director and Direction of Departments of our state work, and to specifically ask God to direct us to who our first mother church and church planter will be.

Our nation could be forever changed by a church planting revival and we could be one of God’s tools to accomplish this.

May the Lord richly bless and direct us in this effort.
Bro. Ben…

From Our Former Missions Director…

I hope you are as excited as I am as you read the above note from Bro. Ben! I look forward to seeing what God will do as we refocus on His commission for us in the world today. God has been working even though we have had some discouraging things happen during this year, and I want to emphasize the blessing that the Special Missions Committee has been to me even though we could not meet and get “our plans” put into action at the time and in the manner we wanted. God has been using this group of men to encourage me as we sought God’s will in our recommendations not only in this past year but the entire time I have served as Missions Director. Thank you brethren for your patience, love, devotion and dedication as we have served together. Bro James Hoffman

The Master’s Builders Work in Arkansas

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September 14th, the Master’s Builders began work at New Liberty Baptist in Emmet, Arkansas. This job was originally scheduled for May, but because of Covid 19, it was postponed. New Liberty had torn down their old building, which housed their sanctuary, and had poured a slab for the new 86 X 44 /3,800 square foot building. They were really needing our help. There were 12 Master’s Builders from 5 states ready to start the build. Each morning we started the day with a devotional and prayer.

The build went well and progress was made until there was a long delay in getting the decking put on the building and tropical storm “Beta” arrived. Our men kept working on interior jobs during the small breaks in the rain. Finally the rain ended, deckers arrived and work continued. The Master’s Builders plan to return October 19th to try to finish the rest of their part of the sanctuary.

The Master’s Builders worked at Emmet seven years ago on a fellowship hall and classrooms. We all looked forward to coming back because of the wonderful fellowship we enjoyed with this sweet church. Pastor James Cox and wife Carol are so special to us all and getting to be with many of the members we met seven years ago was so much fun. There were new faces too and it looks like we may need to come back before long and enlarge the new building! Praise the Lord!!

Much love to our New Liberty Church family. Thank you does not say enough to ALL who took such good care of us while we were there. I don’t want to miss anybody, so I won’t try to name all of you, but you know who you are. Just know we love you and appreciate all you did for us.

While we were at New Liberty, the ladies of the Master’s Builders worked on their Christmas Shoe boxes for Everlasting Smiles. We were a little late getting them to Conway, but Covid has slowed down a lot of projects. Also, we took a day to visit over at WE ARE FREE, Hebron Hills, to see all that has been done since our last time there.

I sometime list upcoming projects for the Master’s Builders, but I’ve learned this can change, so we’ll wait and see what the Lord has for us!

Remember, if you have any questions about the Master’s Builders Ministry or if your church has building needs, you can contact Eddie Sikes at (479)462-1675 or Mike Green (972)935-3877 or David Axe at (903)918-0720

The Master’s Builders Work in Arkansas

The Master’s Builders Work in Arkansas

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The Master’s Builders Work in Arkansas
New Liberty Baptist in Emmet, Arkansas

September 14th, the Master’s Builders began work at New Liberty Baptist in Emmet, Arkansas. This job was originally scheduled for May, but because of Covid 19, it was postponed. New Liberty had torn down their old building, which housed their sanctuary, and had poured a slab for the new 86 X 44 /3,800 square foot building. They were really needing our help. There were 12 Master’s Builders from 5 states ready to start the build. Each morning we started the day with a devotional and prayer.

Read more…

Recommendations 93rd Annual Meeting of BMA of Missouri

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Recommendations of the Special Missions Committee
The Special Missions Committee of the BMA of Missouri met September 9, 2020 at Perryville, MO. The following recommendations were approved to submit to the Missionary Committee of the BMA of MO for consideration at the annual meeting October 10, 2020 at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis.

  1. We recommend Bro. Ben Kingston serve as the Missions Director at a salary of $650 a month with $200 of that designated for clerical help.
  2. We recommend Bro. Don Burke serve as Assistant Director of Missions.
  3. We recommend that outgoing Director, Bro. James Hoffmann, be paid $600 a month to assist (train) Bro. Kingston for a three-month transition period starting in October 2020.

Recommendations of the Loan Association Committee
The Loan Association Committee met at the Grecian Steak Hose in Sikeston September 5, 2020 and offers the following recommendations for your consideration at our annual meeting October 10:2020.

  1. We recommend that the BMA of Missouri show our appreciation to Bro. David Griggs by giving him a $1000 love offering and a Certificate of Appreciation for his faithful service as Treasurer and that we continue to pray for his health and well being.
  2. We recommend that this body give a standing vote of appreciation to Bro. Dennis Baker for his outstanding service especially during this past year.
  3. We recommend that the By-laws of the Loan committee under section I – Purpose Item 2 be changed to “Loans to established Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri churches for maintenance, remodeling, repairs, and new construction of buildings used for worship and education. Loans are subject to a negotiated interest rate with a loan limitation of $50,000 and payment terms no greater than ten (10) years. Loans must be secured with a Quick-Claim Deed of Trust that states, “If the church defaults on the loan, the church ceases to exist, or the church ceases to be a member in good standing with the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri or its successors, the ownership of the property and buildings described on the Deed of Trust will be transferred to the ownership of the Baptist Missionary of Association of Missouri. It shall be the responsibility of the borrower to maintain the property and buildings and to provide liability and property Insurance that includes the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri as lender.”

September 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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We are getting ready for our Annual State Association which meets at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis October 10, 2020. Various committee are meeting and getting ready to give their annual reports and bring recommendations for the approval of the messengers of the church that make up our great Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri

Because our mid-year meeting was cancelled in May it seems like it has been a long time since we have meet as an association of churches. Please note the messages on the first page of this issue of the paper to see the changes our Moderator and Host Pastor are suggesting we follow at this meeting because of the pandemic we are experiencing this year.

We are praying that each church will send their three messengers and each committee member will be ready with progressive reports and recommendations to present for consideration. Please make sure your church is represented.

Your Missions Director and the Special Missions Committee will meet in a few days to get ready for the annual association. They will be presenting a nomination for Missions Director and offering some recommendations that we hope will increase our outreach across Missouri and surrounding states. Please pray for us as we seek God’s will in the work you have entrusted to us.

It is encouraging to hear reports of how people around the world are opening up to the Gospel during the troublesome times that everyone is experiencing. May we look for opportunities to minister to our friends, families, neighbors and others as many are seeking answers that can only be answered through God’s Word and God’s wisdom.

September is officially the last month I will be serving as Missions Director for the BMA of Missouri. Of course I will be assisting in the transition to a new director through the month of October and will give my annual report at the annual meeting.

It has been an honor and a privilege for me to serve in this capacity since 2015. I am disappointed that we have not had more success in our State Mission work and that we have seen some churches close in these years instead of seeing new churches planted.

I have enjoyed getting to know more of our pastors and churches as I have had the privilege to visit association meetings and worship services all over our great state. It has been uplifting to see many pastors working faithfully in their fields and growing through experience as they serve the Lord.

Thank you for your support, patience, cooperation, and encouragement over these years. I especially appreciate the Special Missions Committee for their dedication and assistance as we have met, prayed, discussed, debated, planned, and worked together in this great work!

Let’s support our new director as we go forward!

By James Hoffman, Mission’s Director

Details about changes to 93rd Annual Session

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From Our Moderator…
Dear state churches:
As you all know, we are in a ever-changing climate. Our state meeting is not exempt from that! It is our every intention to still have the state meeting at Zion Church in the St. Louis region on October 10 starting at 9:00 a.m.
However, with the concern of possible exposure to our most vulnerable people, the church, and I, as your moderator, are requesting that church messengers only and associational officers only attend the meeting.
Subsequently There will not be a meal,
We will simply have the meeting starting at 9:00 a.m. and will conclude the meeting when all business is completed. Please plan to pursue lunch on your own schedule and your own time.
I hope this inconvenience does not keep you from coming! I hope you understand the spirit behind why we are making these changes when, in this day and age everyone of us should be pretty used to change by now.
The business that we conduct is very important and we ask you to pray for God‘s direction and harmony as we seek to follow him as an association,
May the Lord richly bless you is my prayer.
Ben Kingston

From Our Clerk…
Please remember to send in or bring your church’s annual church letter this October. And please consider increasing your church’s donation to the Minute Fund. This past year expenses exceeded donations by more than $400. Another year like this and the fund will be nearly depleted. So please consider increasing your offering this year. If you need a copy of the letter it is on the BMA of Missouri Facebook page.
Don Burke

From Our Host Pastor…
Zion Baptist Church, 3485 Baumgartner Rd, St. Louis, MO 63129, looks forward to hosting the annual meeting on October 10, 2020 starting at 9:00 A.M.
Due to the covid-19 restrictions imposed by South County, we ask that those attending practice social distancing and voluntarily wear a mask. In order to practice 6 Foot social distancing, we need to limit attendance to messengers and officers. Zion will not be providing a noon meal.
If you need directions to the church, location of motels, or location of restaurants, please contact Pastor Dennis Baker.
Phone: 314-471-8665,
Please pray for the safety of those traveling and that the meeting will honor God.
Dennis Baker

93rd Annual Session of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri

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October 10, 2020 starting at 9:00 a.m.

Please read “From Our Moderator” • “From Our Host Pastor” • “From Our Clerk”!
There have been some changes made that need everyone’s attention.

August 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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This week I have been contacted by representatives of two of our churches who wanted to get some advice or help in the dispersion of funds and/or items from their churches who have reached the point of closing their doors.

Needless to say, this is not the kind of news we want to hear, but it is becoming a reality too often. Neither of these decisions are the result of anything that has happened in the last few months of upheaval in our country, but are the result of separate circumstances in each church and have been made after much prayer and soul-searching.

I commend those in charge of both these churches for wanting to make sure their assets and property are used in a way to help other churches or various ministries of our associated work and that is why they have made contact for assistance or guidance in these matters.

In the last year I have had conversations with several local churches who are showing concern over decreasing attendance and lack of growth due to various reasons including, a lack of pastors who are available, decreasing funds coupled with increasing costs, decreased interest or enthusiasm in church growth, or just overall weariness in working as God leads.

I realize there are Biblical remedies for all of our problems and we should never want to give up doing what we can to keep our doors open.

But there are also times when God is no longer working through certain congregations and He is ready for those involved to seek His guidance and do whatever will help all involved. Sometimes we reach the point when we must move on and get refocused and refreshed spiritually, just like we need refreshed physically, morally, and intellectually.

When we see our fellow Christians making some decisions that we are not pleased with we need to be careful to not criticize them, but show love and give encouragement to them as they seek God’s will. Even if our friends in Christ are getting on the wrong track, we need to follow Paul’s advice to the Galatian Christians in Galatians 6:1. “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Never condone any wrong but encourage what is right.

I’m not condemning those churches who feel they must close, but I am encouraging us to prayerfully help one another to do what God knows is best and to encourage those who have to make some very difficult decisions at various times in their ministry.

We know not what we might face in the days ahead, but we know God knows all things and He will guide us to do what is best as we seek His leadership.

Let’s pray for one another as we follow God!

by James Hoffman