August 2020 – Mission Director’s Report 150 150 admin admin week I have been contacted by representatives of two of our churches who wanted to get some advice or help in the dispersion of funds and/or items from their churches who have reached the point of closing their doors.
Needless to say, this is not the kind of news we want to hear, but it is becoming a reality too often. Neither of these decisions are the result of anything that has happened in the last few months of upheaval in our country, but are the result of separate circumstances in each church and have been made after much prayer and soul-searching.
I commend those in charge of both these churches for wanting to make sure their assets and property are used in a way to help other churches or various ministries of our associated work and that is why they have made contact for assistance or guidance in these matters.
In the last year I have had conversations with several local churches who are showing concern over decreasing attendance and lack of growth due to various reasons including, a lack of pastors who are available, decreasing funds coupled with increasing costs, decreased interest or enthusiasm in church growth, or just overall weariness in working as God leads.
I realize there are Biblical remedies for all of our problems and we should never want to give up doing what we can to keep our doors open.
But there are also times when God is no longer working through certain congregations and He is ready for those involved to seek His guidance and do whatever will help all involved. Sometimes we reach the point when we must move on and get refocused and refreshed spiritually, just like we need refreshed physically, morally, and intellectually.
When we see our fellow Christians making some decisions that we are not pleased with we need to be careful to not criticize them, but show love and give encouragement to them as they seek God’s will. Even if our friends in Christ are getting on the wrong track, we need to follow Paul’s advice to the Galatian Christians in Galatians 6:1. “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Never condone any wrong but encourage what is right.
I’m not condemning those churches who feel they must close, but I am encouraging us to prayerfully help one another to do what God knows is best and to encourage those who have to make some very difficult decisions at various times in their ministry.
We know not what we might face in the days ahead, but we know God knows all things and He will guide us to do what is best as we seek His leadership.
Let’s pray for one another as we follow God!
by James Hoffman