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A reminder….

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It would be GREAT to see all our Churches

BMA of Missouri
Annual Meeting

Bethel Baptist Church, Lonedell, MO
October 27, 2018 • 9:00 a.m.
This could start a REVIVAL in Missouri!!

Overseas Bible Schools

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As Evangelistic International Ministries wraps up an amazing summer of Overseas Bible School (OBS) and we re?ect on all of the beautiful people that heard the Gospel, we’re in awe and humbled to be servants of Jesus! We were blessed to see the work of God in Shinyanga Tanzania, La Flecha Honduras and Ramnicu Valcea Romania! The cultures are vastly di?erent, but the power of Jesus’ saving grace is universal!!

Each summer we are amazed as God handpicks and prepares each team to come together and serve Him in a foreign country. The teams this summer were most defnitely called by God for His purpose and glory. We started our summer OBS in Shinyanga Tanzania. Renatus Kanunu serves as EIM Tanzania Missionary and he led our team with wisdom and confdence in the Lord. As we traveled Hut to Hut to share the Gospel in the village nearby Renatus’ young church, our team saw the power of the Living Word of God!! The following Sunday there were 22 new visitors in attendance for worship service! In the afternoon we had OBS
in a school close to a village where there are plans to plant a church. Our team led 300 children through scripture from
creation to the cross. Lives were changed, hearts were touched and souls were added to the Kingdom of God thru the work of
the Holy Spirit!

Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Guy, AR sent a fantastic team to serve with us in La Flecha Honduras. Manuel and Maira Lepe have served as EIM Honduras Missionaries for 12 years. We served with them each day in several di?erent schools as we presented the Gospel and gave the children a Shepherd’s Bags. In the afternoon we had OBS at a large school in La Flecha close to Maira and Manuel’s home church. The children and parents loved learning about the love of our creator and his perfect plan for our Savior! Pastor Jose’ served with us throughout the week and I’m excited to hear how he has been able to disciple this community.

To close our summer OBS a team from Antioch East Baptist Church in Magnolia, AR traveled with us to Ramnicu Valcea Romania. Throughout the week we served with Cristi Ciuculescu, Pastor of The Good Shepherd Church. Each morning we went into a gypsy village for OBS. The children and their parents were so excited for someone to care enough to come to them and share the love of Jesus. In the afternoons we had OBS at a soccer arena in Poscesti. Jesus Christ was made famous in both villages!
We have started plans for our 2019 Summer OBS!

Philippines – May 22 – June 1
Honduras – June 22 – June 28
Tanzania – July 10 – July 21
Honduras – August 3 – 9

Please visit our website if you are interested in serving with us next year! “The call of missions is to love Jesus in such a way that we strive to live every single moment committed to being witnesses of the Gospel and it’s transforming power.”

Alicia Jackson, EIM OBS Director,
Mike Goodwin, EIM President

September 2018 – Mission Director’s Report

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By the time most of you read this we will be half-way through our fnal month in this associational year. The new associational year begins October 1st and all departments of our work will give their annual reports summarizing what we have done this past year and presenting recommendations for your consideration about what we plan to do in this new year.

Please pray that we will be sensitive to the needs and to God’s plan for meeting those needs. Our host pastor for the annual meeting in October, Ben Kingston, has invited Bro. Gene Hankins to preach in our worship service and I am looking forward to hearing him preach and to visit with him at this meeting. Bro. Hankins is a successful pastor and is also the Missions Director for the BMA of Oklahoma. He has led his church and the BMA of Oklahoma in church planting and I look forward to what he can share with us that might spark a fire of planting churches in our churches here in Missouri.

We continue to pray for churches in Missouri that are searching for pastors and hope God will burden more preachers to get involved in pastoring and not be satisfed with just “preaching” when the opportunities arise. Brethren, we need a burden
for ministry if our churches are going to grow and plant more churches!

Please pray for me as I try to encourage churches and preachers who are discouraged and who are searching for God’s leadership in their ministries. We serve THE MIGHTY GOD and need to give Him our best e?ort in all we do! If there is anything I can do for you please let me know.

If you have any ideas that will help us in the work in Missouri PLEASE share them with me or with any member of our Special Missions Committee so we can consider them when we meet before the annual meeting to formulate recommendations about the work in 2018 – 2019. This committee meeting will be taking place within the next few weeks so we need to hear from you as soon
as possible.

The members of this committee are: Ben Kingston, Chairman; Dan Wisely, Clerk; Claude Evans, Russell Chitwood, Dale Fish, Don
Burke, and Brian Meade. These men would welcome your input and help in doing the work the association has given us to do. If you need to meet with the committee that can be arranged if we know of your desire early enough to make the arrangements.

I look forward to working with you and enjoying your fellowship at our annual meeting at Bethel Baptist Church, Lonedell. Let’s pray that the year ahead will be a great year of seeing souls saved, preachers encouraged, and churches growing!

What God Wants You To Do?

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No matter how long you have traveled in the wrong direction, you can always turn around. Why not do it TODAY!

August 2018 – Mission Director’s Report

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We continue to have several churches without pastors and it seems there is a shortage of preachers to call upon in times of need. That gets discouraging. At the same time we are hearing that some of our churches are growing and souls are being saved and that is encouraging. We need to remember that God is a loving and gracious God and that He is pleased when we are willing to do our best for Him. As someone has said, “The greatest ability we can have is our ‘availability’ to God. To be available to God and faithful to follow Him is the best we can do.

God is blessing our work and we need to remain faithful to Him until the Lord comes and takes us home. Let’s encourage one another as we work together for His honor and glory. God blessed us with another great camp with the lost being saved and the saved being revived. Remember to mark your calendars for the Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri that will take place October 27, 2018 at Bethel Baptist Church in Lonedell. The meeting starts at 9:00 a.m. Pray for a harmonious meeting where we can renew our determination to do God’s will. Pray for our churches to have the leadership they need to fulfill the commission our Lord gave us to go into all the world with His message of salvation. If I can be of help to you or your church please let me know. We can encourage one another and increase our effect on those around us. Remember, it is not “my” work or “yours” but God’s.

by James Hoffman, Mission’s Director

Missouri State WMA Report Given at Mid-Year Association Meeting

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The newly elected (March 2018) President of the Missouri State Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri gave the report of the WMA at the Mid-Year meeting of the BMA MO. Sis. Barbara Williams (Emmanuel,
St. Louis) did a great job informing the messengers and visitors about the work of the WMA and all that the ladies of our churches are doing for the Lord. What a blessing to learn all that is going on in our work!

Faithful Member of Mt. Zion, Poplar Blu? Called Home

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Dorothy Nell Goldschmidt, age 94, of Fisk, MO, died Saturday, June 16, 2018 at Swift Creek Residential Facility, in Poplar Blu?, MO. She was born October 13, 1923 at Coon Island, MO, daughter of the late George and Lillian (Scoggins) McBroom.

She taught at several area schools during the 1940’s and enjoyed raising her children on the farm and being active in school functions. She was a member of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Poplar Blu? since the 1940’s. Dorothy also enjoyed writing autobiographical poetry to commemorate people’s lives. July 11, 1942 she married Arthur L. Goldschmidt. He preceded her in death May 23, 2005. She is survived by one daughter: Jolene Kingery and husband Gayle of Poplar Blu?; one son: Larry Goldschmidt and wife Linda of Fisk; nine Grandchildren: Doug Goldschmidt, Nathan (Bree) Goldschmidt, Logan (Alisha) Goldschmidt, Pamela (Matthew) Hudson, Nancy (Brian) Markus, HaSue (Je?) Fryer, David (Amy) Kingery, Travis Kingery, and Jonathan Kingery; 11 great grandchildren: Nicole Fryer, Jesse Lamb, Earl Arthur Lamb, Lucas Kingery, Emma Kingery, Lane Kingery, Elliott Goldschmidt, Lela Claire Goldschmidt, Reese Hudson, Quinn Hudson, and Oliver Henry Goldschmidt.

She was preceded in death by one son: Jackie Goldschmidt; two grandchildren: Holly Michelle Goldschmidt and Michael Earl Kingery; two sisters: Evelyn Fickert and Louise Vines; and two brothers: Lex and Max McBroom. Visitation was at 10:00 a.m.
June 23, 2018 at Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church. Funeral services followed at 11:00 a.m. at the church with Pastor Matthew Johnson offciating. Burial was in Shain Memorial Cemetery at Fisk. Memorials may be made to Fisk Library, c/o Susan Williams, 919 County Road 579 Fisk, MO 63940, or a Charity of your choice.

What are our priorities?

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Genesis 7:21-23 – “And all ?esh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. And every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground, both man, and cattle, and the creeping things, and the fowl of the heaven; and they were destroyed from the earth: and Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark.”

II Peter 3:6, 7, 11-13 – “Whereby the world that then was, being over?owed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto free against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on free shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.”

The sentence of judgment upon the earth has already been passed and is simply awaiting execution. Only those residing in the ark (now Jesus, of which the first ark was a picture) shall survive the calamity.

I John 2:15-17 – “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the ?esh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is
not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God
abideth forever.”

Our ambitions outside of the will of the Father are simply sand castles built on the beach at low tide.

I Corinthians 3:11-13 – “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble, every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by free; and the free shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.”

May we as readers beware!

Submitted by:
Charity Missionary Baptist Church, Bismarck, MO

The Hales’ June Newsletter

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We are moving! I got a call from our landlord informing me that when the contract for our house comes up for renewal the frst of August, he’d be more than doubling our rent. I promptly told him that we’d be moved out by the end of July. I knew it could be difficult to find another good, safe, a?ordable home in the area we needed, but I also knew that if God was in it, He would provide. Well, He has provided and we are making plans to move the middle of July.

That’s good news, but this is better news: Colton has been saved! He came to us several months ago and told us that we had realized that he was a sinner during nap time and had asked God to forgive him. His story hasn’t changed and we are now 100% convinced that his experience is real.

After finding the new house we were blessed with a visit from Bro. David and Sis. Shelley Dickson. Bro. David encouraged the pastors here with a study on how to avoid having a stagnant church. Mrs. Shelley met with the ladies from 4 of our churches and spoke on the role of women in the church. It was so refreshing to have them here.

Jesse & Rebecca Hales

Hales’ Prayer Requests:

  • For the team from our sending church as they come to help.
  • That we’ll be able to navigate the craziness of this summer well.

July 2018 – Mission Director’s Report

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Please note the two “Thank You Notes” elsewhere on this page expressing appreciation to our churches for the financial help recently given to one of our churches and one of our pastors by our association. I am thankful to be a part of an association that wants to help others.

The two missionary families which were at our Mission Symposium are scheduled to move to their fields of service this month. The Walkers are due to arrive in Manila July 5th and the Woods will be leaving for Ukraine July 31st. Please keep these families in your prayers as they follow God’s leadership in their lives.

I encourage all our churches to continue in prayer for God to open doors and call ministers to plant new churches in Missouri and to fill pulpits with strong leaders for those churches seeking leadership at this time. Every week I get calls or emails asking for help in finding men to lead churches. God knows these needs and is able to supply what we need. Let’s pray for sensitivity to God’s leadership in doing our part in keeping church doors open and planting new work across our state. We live in exciting times but often get discouraged as we focus on the bad going on around us instead of trusting The One who is GOOD and FAITHFUL. God is still on the throne and is working in and through His people every day. May we be found faithful to Him every day and do our part in reaping the harvest in the “fields that are white unto harvest.”

Thank you for you faithfulness in supporting the work of the Lord and in working faithfully through His churches throughout
Missouri. Let’s keep up the good work! By the time you receive this paper our State Camp will be ready to get underway and the last minute details will be taking place. Let’s pray each day up to the day our camp starts (July 30th) and every day camp is going on for those who attend and for those who are leading in all aspects of what needs to be done. Pray for souls to be saved and for everyone involved to be renewed in spirit through this great ministry. After camp, pray that those
who have been touched by the Lord through the camp will go home and grow stronger and more dedicated to the Lord. Pray that what happens at camp will have a positive e?ect on the lives of many people.

Thank you for the prayers for my wife and I as we work among our churches. We want to be a blessing and encouragement to all who are serving the Lord and it is a blessing to see what is going on across Missouri. Thank you for letting us be used as God leads in our lives and ministry. You are a blessing to us!