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Conflict Between Law and Grace

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Galatians 4:19-31
by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

Paul uses a literary device called an allegory to convey hidden meanings through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, or
events, which together create the moral, spiritual, or political meaning the author wishes to convey. An allegory can be defend as a narrative that has a deeper meaning. Paul’s use of the Old Testament story of Sarah and Isaac versus Hagar and
Ishmael gives greater meaning to the conflict between law and grace.

In verse 22, Paul states that, Abraham had two sons. One by a bond maid and the other by a free woman. Verse 23 states
that the son born by the bondwoman was born after the flesh and the son born by the free woman was born by promise. These verses illustrate the two births; the physical birth that makes us sinners and the spiritual birth that makes us the children of God. As we read Genesis 21:1-12 we discover wonderful truths about salvation.

  1. Isaac, Sarah’s son, was born by God’s power. We might say that since Abraham and Sarah had waited approximately twenty-five years and were beyond child bearing age, that Isaac was miraculously conceived. Verse 29, refers to Isaac being “born after the Spirit. The greater meaning that Paul is conveying is that a believer must be “born of the Spirit.” John 3:6-7, “That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” Abraham represents faith, Galatians 3:9, and Sarah represents grace. Therefore, Isaac was born by faith through grace. Ephesians 2:8, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God…”
  2. Salvation is just the beginning, not the ending. Genesis 21:8 states that Isaac grew and was weaned. After we are
    born again we must grow. To mature as a believer, we must lay aside “childish things.” I Corinthian 13:1, “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”
    II Peter 3:18, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and
  3. Verse 29, Ishmael born after the flesh persecuted Isaac born after the Spirit. Genesis 21:9 states that Ishmael caused problems for Isaac, just as our old nature causes problems for us. Ishmael caused no problems in Abraham’s home until
    Isaac was born, just as our old nature created no problems for us until the new nature entered, when we trusted Christ. In
    Abraham’s home, we see the same conflict that believers face today. The law only releases the opposition of the flesh and a
    conflict within the believer. Romans 7:19, “For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.”
  4. Hagar, Abraham’s second wife, like the law was added. Hagar’s function was only temporary and then she moved
    off the scene, the law was added because of our transgression, Galatians 3:19.
  5. Hagar and Ishmael were cast out and Ishmael was not an heir of Abraham. It is impossible for law and grace, the flesh and the Spirit, to compromise and stay together. It is impossible to mix law and grace, faith and works, God’s gift
    of righteousness and man’s attempt to earn salvation.
  6. The Old Testament story appears to be nothing more than an account of the conflict in Abraham’s home, but the greater
    meaning teaches us tremendous spiritual realities. Salvation is by grace through faith. After being “born again” we
    need to grow in our relationship with God. Believers will face conflict between the old and new nature. It is impossible to mix the law and grace to earn salvation.

July 2017 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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We continue to keep our eyes and ears open for preachers and missionaries who are interested in coming to Missouri to pastor or plant churches. So far we have not been very successful. Please contact me if you or someone you know is interested in working with us to spread the Gospel in our area.

The financial support of our churches continues to be good and we are trying to be good stewards of what God provides.
As I suggested and as instructed by the messengers at our Mid-year meeting, I have invested $100,000 in the BMA of
Mississippi Revolving Loan Fund in order to draw interest while we wait to use those funds in missionary support.

As you see in the financial report above, this still leaves us with immediate accessible funds of $ 44,549.02 in our checking account and $1,100.50 in a bank savings account. Please note that the bank savings account is maintained to keep us from having to pay a service charge on our checking account each month.

Please pray that we will follow God’s leadership in our ministries around our state. If you have any suggestions or
ideas about what we can do please let me or any member of the Special Missions Committee know so we can consider your ideas when we meet before our annual meeting in October. Your input is appreciated. The following men serve on our Special
Missions Committee: Russell Chitwood, Don Burke, Brian Meade, Dan Wisely, Dale Fish, and Ben Kingston. Any of us would be glad to listen to your suggestions and comments and present them to the whole committee.

Homecoming at Temple, Belgrade

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Heaven's Echoes

August 13th at 10:00 a.m.
Regular Morning Service featuring
Special Speaker – Bro. Melvin Meade
Special Singing – Heaven’s Echoes
Lunch Provided
Followed by more singing
by Heaven’s Echoes

From Our Brethren…Ben Kingston, June 2017

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Greetings to the Churches of the State Association from Ben Kingston:

I have challenged all the Brethren to send Bro. Jim articles for the paper, so here I am, practicing what I preach (to which
my wife might add, “its about time”). This article is going to be basically a ‘shotgun approach’ at several subjects and a generalized getting a bunch of positive things o? my chest.

First of all, thanks again to all the Pastors that were able to attend our renewal retreats. I hope and pray that they are
the beginning of a revival that will sweep our Association and beyond. Let me list the changes that have been made personally
since our meetings. I have made a concentrated e?ort to stay in touch with all the Pastors (for whom I have a contact number) within my local association each Sunday morning. If you are reading this and are not getting this text each Sunday and
you are in the Meramec Association, then I do not have a contact number for you. Please contact me at (636) 629-2526 and
I will be glad to add you. If you are in another local association, please take it upon yourself to start this. It is a simple way to encourage each other on our most important day of the week.

Secondly, I have recommitted myself to make as many association meetings as possible. I could only make the business portion of the missions symposium, but I rearranged my schedule so I could do that.

Third, my family attended one service of a sister church’s revival two weeks ago.

Fourth, Bethel’s staff is making a greater e?ort to pray for our state, local, and national association to see a revival again sweep our association and our nation.

Now I know, I know, many of you are saying you want a bone or a biscuit? Biscuit please! No, in all seriousness, none
of this is to impress or brag, but to candidly share with you that I have felt led to give greater e?ort to our association and ultimately the kingdom of God. All I am asking is that we all prayerful seek God’s face in how we can mobilize this mighty
army known as the Church of JESUS CHRIST.

Many of you have encouraged us all by your support and effort. I am asking God to bless you all for that. I do not know what and who all have received checks, but I want to publicly thank the former Springdale body for their funds to the Meramec Retreat Center and to the Meramec association. Please pray with me for wisdom on how to best use these funds for the glory of God.

Bethel and the Franklin county churches have a very unique opportunity coming up on August 21. The solar eclipse will
occur that day and some have estimated that 40,000 guests will be in St. Clair alone trying to view said eclipse. What a
soul winning opportunity. Please pray with us that we properly plan for this occasion and see a great harvest of souls and
seed planting.

So, there you have it. Again, men, please support the paper with your articles. I would love to hear the positive things
God is doing in your life. I am excited to hear of God’s blessing in His churches and Camp Garwood and Jesus Camp at
the Meramec Retreat Center!

Contact Ben Kingston

No Need For A Schoolmaster

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Galatians 3:24-25
by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

Galatians 3:24-25, “Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justifed by
faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.”

A good definition of the word schoolmaster would be child guardian. This definition would be familiar to the readers at
the time of Paul writing the book of Galatians. In many Greek and Roman households, well-educated slaves took the children to and from school and watched over them during the day. Sometimes they would teach the children, sometimes they would protect and prohibit, and sometimes they would discipline.

It is important that we introduce four important principles before we begin the evaluation of the text. 1) The Bible stresses what God has done rather than what sinners do to bring about salvation. 2) Ritual observance or moral improvement cannot improve God’s plan of salvation. 3) The cross is the only way of salvation. 4) God’s plan of salvation is based on

The Mosaic moral law or Ten commandments is the standard for God’s righteousness. God wrote the Ten Commandments on stone tablets and gave them to Moses on Mount Sinai, but the principles were written on the hearts of mankind from the beginning of creation. Jesus summed up the moral law in Matthew 22:37-40. However, it is interesting that Paul points out in Galatians 3:17, that God’s plan of salvation is not based on the law but on the Abrahamic promise. The Abrahamic promise was inclusive of both Jews and Gentiles based on the seed of Abraham, Jesus Christ. Genesis 12:3, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

In Galatians 3:17, Paul states the purpose of the law by acknowledging that the law was added because of transgression. Based on his reasoning, he concludes in verse 22 that all are sinners as established by God’s moral law. Paul’s message is that mankind cannot obtain salvation by works. Before the conversion experience, the purpose of the law was to teach the sinner why he needed a Savior. In truth, we cannot live up to God’s standard of righteous. The law is a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.

In Galatians 3:26, Paul establishes that by faith we become the children of God. He also states in Galatians 3:25, “that
after faith, there is no need for a schoolmaster.” Is Paul saying that the moral law has no place in the life of the believer?
Does not being “under the law” lessen the moral responsibility of the believer? As Paul would write, “God forbid.” Because the believer is a child of God he is a spiritual person.

Paul wrote in Galatians 5:18, “but if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.” Galatians 5:25, “If we live in the
Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” As a believer in Christ, the moral law teaches us the moral character and righteousness of God. Being justified by faith produces great importance for conforming to the moral character and righteousness of God in the life of the believer.

As a believer in Christ we have the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the written Word to help us conform God’s will in
our lives. Galatians 5:22-26, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.”

We need to praise the Lord because we are no longer under the schoolmaster of the law to bring us to faith. But
because of faith, we are under grace and the leadership of the Holy Spirit to help us on our journey of faith!

Just Surrender…

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Introducing the Lahmann Missionary Family
by Jennifer Brooks, First Baptist Church, Bourbon, MO

I remember clearly the morning at Sunday school when our teacher and youth director first announced plans that he was going to ask the church’s permission to pursue a mission trip for the youth group. Finally! Here it was, something I had been praying to come about, an opportunity to participate physically in missions! The planning soon began and that first mission trip to the Navajo Nation happened in the summer of 2009. Leading and organizing the trip was Andy and Danyell Lahmann.

I’m not sure there is any amount of preparation that really gets you completely ready for missions. We have all learned
that things usually NEVER go according to our plans but the Lord ALWAYS provides just what we need to get it all pulled
together. Many tears, hugs, laughs, prayers, dum dum suckers (chocolate melts on the reservation), water balloons and Bibles
come to memory, but most importantly of all, the many souls saved through the years. After the 2009 trip we had clearly fallen in love with the people of the Navajo Nation and yearned to see them come to the Lord. We returned under the Lahmanns again in 2010 and 2011. Each year we fell deeper in love as we continued to see more need for the Lord in this area.

It was after returning from the 2011 trip that I saw a change in Andy and Danyell. I remember being somewhat frustrated in
seeing their struggle. I could see that the Lord was tugging on them and of course I had heard of their passion for the Navajo people more than once. In all reality I wanted to shake them and say “JUST SURRENDER!”. Naive I was to think that such a decision should be so hastily made. I mean uproot a family of 5 and move across the country to see the Navajo people come to Jesus, why would that be such a difficult decision?? Well I sure wasn’t jumping up and down to uproot my family. But the Lord was working on them and that time came. They came before the church with tears and weeping of their love for the Navajo people. Then and there within the walls of First Missionary Baptist Church of Bourbon, MO they surrendered their lives to the Lord to serve in the Navajo Nation.

It was just about 9 months later and we were packing up the Budget moving truck in the parking lot of the church. The 2012 Navajo Mission began with planting family missionaries Andy and Danyell Lahmann! We couldn’t have been more excited. What a
tremendous blessing to be part of that move and the returned mission trips since then. It is now 2017 and our missionaries
are being used of the Lord in mighty ways. In 2013, they began helping Montezuma Creek Baptist Church, whom had recently lost their pastor. The Lahmann Family stepped in to assist them in training up a Navajo pastor and strengthening and equipping their congregation. They completed this process in the beginning of 2015. While the Lahmann Family have moved
on, their ties with Montezuma are still strong. Many times they will find ways to unite the Baptist churches they have worked with in the reservation to the church with which they are currently working.

Currently the Lahmann Family is working with Mexican Water Baptist Church. Once again their burden is strengthening and
equipping this church body. At the latter part of 2016 the Lord opened the door for the parsonage at Mexican Water, allowing the Lahmann family a place to stay on the weekends. This may seem strange to us back home where the average commute to church is probably around 15 minutes. With their one way commute to Mexican Water being nearly 2 hours, the opening of the parsonage has been an answer to prayers and will in turn open the door to the ministry there. They are now having Sunday afternoon services and discipleship classes. As they pray and focus on the spiritual growth of Mexican Water they will also be praying, just as they did for Montezuma, to have an indigenous pastor. Knowing that a Navajo pastor to lead the Mexican Water congregation is best for their future. Moving forward their prayer is to “Plug In” to the Mexican Water community. It is also their prayer for you to “Plug In” to Mexican Water Baptist also.

    Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Back Yard Bible Clubs: We have limited opportunities this year for Summer Bible Clubs. If you are interested in coming out with your church group please contact us ASAP so we may begin to work with you and your church to prepare for the outreach that we will be doing together on the Navajo Reservation.
  2. Work Groups: This year as we focus on Mexican Water it is our desire to see some physical labor completed on the church building. If you would be willing to come and help in this are please contact us so that we may make plans for the completion of projects throughout 2017. We see a need for the following projects to be completed: Update the sanctuary with paint, new carpet, and new lighting. Installing a shower in the church bathroom, this will allow Mission Groups to stay at the church during ministry weeks. Painting the exterior of the church buildings.
  3. Hunting Camps: The Men’s Hunting Ministry was wonderful last year. Bro. Andy looks forward to this week in 2017.
    Contact Bro. Andy for information, cost, and needed preparation for yourself or the men in your church. He can only take a limited number of men for this Ministry Outreach, so please don’t wait to call if your interested or you may miss out on your 2017 Colorado Men’s Retreat.
  4. Shoebox Ministry: We LOVE the Shoebox Ministry and we LOVE how so many have gotten involved in this Ministry Outreach. As we look to 2017 Shoebox Ministry it is our prayer to see this outreach continue to grow. Due to the growth of this outreach program we will be splitting the delivery of gifts throughout December. If you are interested in participating this year please plan now to have your gifts mailed or financial gifts sent in by December 1st, 2017. This is much earlier than the previous years, but we believe that it will make the outreach smoother and also allow our family to focus on Church Christmas Program and family time during the Christmas Season. Thank you for helping us make December run smooth and continuing to help us reach the Navajo Nation during the Christmas Season.
  5. I really cannot fully explain the joy these mission trips bring and I could go on and on about many sweet memories. It’s hard to believe that our lives have been intertwined with the Navajo Nation through the Lahmann Family for nearly 9 years
    now!! How silly was I to be frustrated with the Lahmann’s for not surrendering when I thought they needed too. I am so very glad that they followed the call of the Lord, it for sure has not always been easy. But always the Lord has been faithful
    and good. So I say to you reading, if you choose to surrender your hearts, prayers and love to the Navajo people you will fall in love and see the Lord move in ways you have never seen before. God Bless.

    For more information on supporting the Lahmann Family Missionaries to the Navajo Nation please feel free to contact them or their sending church:
    Andy & Danyell Lahmann
    PO Box 1354
    Cortez, CO 81321
    (573) 205-6022
    Facebook: Lahmann Family Missionaries

    First Missionary Baptist Church
    PO Box 386
    Bourbon, MO 65441
    (573) 732-5420
    Pastor Roy Fikac
    Jennifer Brooks, Mission Secretary

Happy Father’s Day!

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Missions Symposium & Mid-Year Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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May 19-20, 2017
Landmark Baptist Church
DeSoto, Missouri

May 19-20, 2017 the Churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri had the privilege to fellowship, study God’s
Word and make plans for doing the work of God as we enjoyed the hospitality of the gracious folks at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto. Once again our mission symposium started at 6:00 p.m. Friday evening and continued for three sessions. We enjoyed the teaching of Bro. Jeff Swart, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Galena, Kansas as he focused on Bible Prophecy and its application for us today.

In Session One Bro. Swart used I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and other passages as he spoke about “The Rapture of the Saints.”
Following a short break, Session Two was used to address “Commonly Asked Questions about the Rapture.” Using Scripture to answer the questions, Bro. Swart emphasized taking Scripture literally until the literal makes no sense.” Session Three was held Saturday morning and addressed the subject “Is the United States Mentioned in Prophecy?” All three sessions were very informative and inspirational.

We appreciate Bro. Swart and his wife being with us again this year and thank them for their dedication to the Lord and His Word. Following the Saturday morning Session of the Symposium the messengers of our churches were called to order by President Dale Fish to take care of business concerning the BMA of Missouri.

Due to the absence of our clerk and the fact that we failed to elect an assistant clerk at our annual meeting last October when the Assistant Clerk was elected as President, Bro. Jim Ainley filled this vacancy for this meeting. A petitionary letter was read from Fellowship Baptist Church of Potosi. This church was received and the hand of fellowship was extended to their Pastor Bro. Mike Jarvis on behalf of the Association by Bro. Wayne Gibson.

The following reports were given and approved: the Kenneth Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund, the Missouri Missionary
Baptist Paper, Missouri Baptist Loan Association, and the ALIVE Report. Bro. Don Burke was elected as clerk and Bro. Brian Meade was elected as assistant clerk of the BMA of Missouri. The Missionary Committee was called to order and heard the report of Assistant Mission Director, James Hoffmann. The committee voted to recommend investing some of our funds in
the BMA of Mississippi Revolving Loan Fund where it can draw interest until such a time it is needed.

The President called the messengers back in session and they approved the Missionary Committee recommendations. The Camp Report was given by Bro. Dan Wisely in the absence of Camp Director Chris Polk. Bro. Dennis Baker gave the Brotherhood report. The messengers voted to keep the Symposium Offering (for Camp Garwood and The Loan Association Grant Fund) open through the end of July. $600 was given during the meeting and another $150 has come in since then. Bro. Ben Kingston expressed his appreciation for the good response to the Renewal Retreat and announced that there will be another Retreat
next year.

Appreciation was expressed to Landmark for their hospitality.

Our annual meeting will be October 28, 2017 at Camp Garwood.

June 2017 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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Thanks to the hospitality of Pastor Wayne and Sis. Ruth Gibson, the good folks of Landmark Baptist Church, Bro. Je? Swart,
our Associational Officers, and the cooperation of all who attended we had a great Missions Symposium and Mid-Year Meeting in DeSoto. Thanks to everyone who was involved!

My wife and I attended the National BMAA meeting in Texas but had to miss the last day due to coming home for the funeral of
Bro. Terry Manning, a member of Bethany. It was a good meeting and we were glad to be able to enjoy some of it. The article below is printed to introduce you to a Missouri family that is working in Colorado with the Navajo Indians under the sponsorship of their home church, First Baptist of Bourbon. This family has been selected as a project by our State WMA for the 2017-2018 year. Read about them, pray for them, and support them through our WMA this year.

James Hoffman

A Note From Our Camp Director

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In May, our funds were running very low. We asked for and received a $20,000 loan from the revolving loan fund to cover the remaining dorm expenses and operate until camp week. We have since received a couple special gifts. I especially want to
send a heart felt Thanks to the remaining members of Springdale who have graciously blessed camp with funds as a result of closing their doors. Your gift will enable us to give back the loan and complete the building debt free. We praise the Lord for that!

We have been busy at camp trying to get our hut ready. Joe has been busy trying to get the new dorm ready. And both are very
close to being finished. Folks have been asking, “What can we do?” At this point EVERYTHING! Because I have done very little normal camp stuff. If you are coming to help get ready for camp, let me know I’ll have plenty for you to do.

As camp is quickly approaching, all of the churches should have already received a packet. If you have not please give me a
call. The church registration date is June 19. Registering by this date insures your T-shirt order will be filled. It also gives your group a better chance of being placed in the dorm of your choice. The registration helps us prepare in many ways. Not only in dorm space but also camper sites, food ordering and a more accurate T-shirt order. Not to mention tracking the number of campers throughout the week.

Please be sure the adults in your group have completed the adult screening form and that all of your campers are familiar with the camp rules. Continue to pray for our speakers, worship leaders, teachers, sponsors, and most of all the lost who will be introduced to Jesus in the valley we call Garwood.

Chris Polk • P.O. Box 271 • Matthews MO 63867
Home 573-472-1038 • Cell 573-380-1975 •