September 2017 – Associate Mission Director’s Report 150 150 admin admin is hard to believe we have entered the last month in our associational year that started last October. Your Special Missions Committee will meet September 14th to review our work this past year and to formulate plans for the year ahead. We
hope to have some recommendations to present to the Missionary Committee at the annual meeting at Camp Garwood in October.
My wife and I enjoyed attending the annual meeting of the BMA of Southwest Missouri in Springfeld last month. We appreciate the hospitality extended to us and the fellowship we enjoyed as we met in the newly redecorated facilities of Palmer Heights Missionary Baptist Church. It was a joy to present a report on BMA of MO Missions, The Missouri Missionary Baptist and The Kenneth Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund.
These churches support state missions regularly and they also voted to give special o?erings to the Kenneth Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund and the Missouri Missionary Baptist along with a love o?ering to my wife and I.
They elected the following ofces to lead them:
Bro. Larry Henbest • Moderator
Bro. Loma Burrell • Assistant Moderator
Bro. Marvin McMullin • Secretary-Treasurer
Sis. Dorsey Dalton • Assistant Secretary-Treasurer
Sis, Vicky Henbest • Historian
Sis. Linda Townzen • Assistant Historian
Bro. Loma Burrell brought the annual message using Ezekiel 22:1-4, 30-31 as his text He emphasized the need of praying for our leaders in these Last Days and then spoke on four kinds of men God calls into ministry:
I. Decision Makers,Joshua 24:14-15.
II. Those who Desire to Know God in a Special Way
III Those Who are Dedicated to Serve, II Timothy3:12.
IV. Those who have Determination
As I prepare this report and get the paper ready for the printer my heart is heavy with the news of the resignation of more pastors. Please pray for our churches who are seeking pastors and for our preachers as they seek God’s will in their lives
Let’s pray and work to make this coming year a better and more productive year for the Lord in the work of the BMA of Missouri.