Two Great Meetings You Don’t Want To Miss!! 150 150 admin admin Missionary Baptist Church
1215 Boyd St. • DeSoto, MO is excitedly preparing to host:
The 2017 BMA of MO Missions Symposium
starting at 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 19th with another session starting at 9:00 a.m. Saturday. May 20th featuring guest speaker: Jeff Stewart who will speaking on “The Rapture of the Saints” – answering your questions about the Rapture & “Is the United States Mentioned in Prophecy?” This will be followed by
The 2017 Mid-year Meeting of the BMA of MO
May 20th, starting at approximately 10:30 a.m. as we take care the business of our association ministries. Each church is encouraged to send three messengers to participate in this meeting, and others are invited to attend.
Lunch will be provided by the host church on Saturday