2016 Fall Men’s Retreat
https://bmamissouri.org/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 admin admin https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/01206fdcedc673f61f8bea2c81ff5f35?s=96&d=mm&r=gThe 6th Annual Men’s Fall Retreat was attended by fourteen men and boys from four churches, Bethany St. Louis, Kewanee New Madrid, First Matthews, Zion St. Louis. Friday evening, we were blessed with BBQ ribs, slaw, and potato salad. Everyone seemed to enjoy the door prize drawing and the snacks. Bro. Joey Duckworth presented an excellent and very timely devotional on discipleship. His devotion focused on Barnabas the encourager. Very little is written in the New Testament about Barnabas, but his life testimony had a great impact on the ministries of others. Bro. Duckworth shared the joy and responsibility of his ministry of disciplining the young men of Kewanee. Bro. James Hoffann blessed us by sharing his life testimony. He shared how God had provided every need for both himself and his family, because he was faithful to God’s calling. Saturday morning started with egg burritos and pancakes. Bro. Brent Baker gave a great devotional on the importance of living a separated life before marriage. After breakfast we enjoyed the annual Archery Contest followed by lunch.