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Reaching Muslims through LifeWord Community Radio

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In 2003 after years on the run, a prominent Muslim soldier, Emir Hashim (not his real name), surrendered himself, his band of renegades and his firearms to the government (country withheld for security purposes), all for enough money to live peacefully in an area that is a Muslim stronghold. Prior to the surrender, they were made to understand that life would always be hard for him and his group if they didn’t take advantage of this “government reconciliation program.”

By 2007 it became obvious that the government would not keep their promise of livelihood-support money. So Hashim went back to his former headquarters planning to gather firearms, soldiers and resources to resume his life as a wanted man and Muslim leader.

Plotting his next move, he returned to his secluded hut, but mosquitoes kept him from sleeping. Searching in a trash heap for something to burn so they would go away, he found an old book with no cover and was about to throw it into the fie when he felt something stop him. Without realizing it was a Bible, he read the Old Testament, then the New Testament and the story of Jesus in the Gospels. With conviction from the Holy Spirit, he surrendered his life to Isa Almasih (“Jesus Christ” to Muslims).

For eight years after his conversion, he searched for understanding of God and Scripture, associating himself with pastors and missionaries from various Christian denominations. However, his experience with them was more destructive than beneficial; they used him to raise funds intended for his livelihood which he never received. He had every right to be discouraged but somehow never turned away from God.

A year ago Bro. Hashim met a missionary working with Muslims. At great risk to himself, this missionary had settled in the town to penetrate this Muslim area with the gospel. Through the power of God, he crossed paths with Hashim, who had decided to work alone and attend church planting classes. As their association grew, Hashim was again challenged to continue his Muslim work.

In November 2015 at a BMA association meeting, Hashim shared his powerful testimony, challenging attendees to help him reach Muslims in his area with the gospel. After the meeting, a local pastor told him about LifeWord Community Radio and how it could effectively reach his Muslim brothers and sisters. Hashim became very excited, believing that, given the danger of his work, it would be the best way to reach them. Passionately, Hashim told his new friend that he would willingly give his life for such a work.

This pastor said of Hashim, “God has opened the door for us to reach Muslims with Christ’s saving power. He is the modern Apostle Paul sent by God to us. We couldn’t penetrate the gospel to the Muslim world without this converted brother. For
years Christian groups have worked to reach Muslims without substantial results. God has given him to lead us to them. We might not have another opportunity as this. God has gifted us with LPFM technology (Lifeword Community Radio) and preparing
me and my trained leaders and Emir for a great harvest of souls in this Muslim area.”

Hashim returned to the area with a great excitement for his ministry and several media tools (a used video projector, DVD players and films produced in the dialect) given to him by area pastors. Hashim thanked them for the gifts and said they he would use them for house-to-house and group evangelistic meetings with Muslims.

LifeWord is currently working with Hashim to determine the type of broadcast to best reach this volatile area. Local LifeWord trainers and leaders are surveying the area, and plans are being made to possibly use a combination of traditional broadcasting and strategically placed LifeWord Community Radio equipment in “more favorable” Muslim areas.

Please pray for this ground-breaking effort and a harvest of souls.

BMA of Missouri Mission Symposium & Mid-Year Meeting

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Mission Symposium – 6:00 p.m. – May 20th
Mid-Year Meeting – 9:00 a.m. – May 21st
Stony Point Missionary Baptist Church
13129 Old Highway E
Mineral Point, MO

Symposium Offering Goal – $5,000 for the Missouri Missionary Baptist Paper

April 2016 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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I have two SPECIAL REMINDERS for our readers this month.

The fist concerns our Mission Symposium and Mid-Year Meeting that will be May 20-21 at Stony Point Baptist Church at Mineral Point, near Potosi. I encourage everyone to attend the symposium on Friday evening starting at 6;00 p.m. Our guest speaker, Bro. Jeff Swart will bless and challenge us with the information he will share about Israel, the Bible, and how America fits into the picture. Attending this meeting should prepare us for a great mid-year business and worship meeting on Saturday.
The second reminder concerns the special offering we always have at the symposium. This year it is designated for the
Missouri Missionary Baptist paper and a goal of $5,000 has been set. If each church in our work would send an offering of $100 we would exceed that goal. Please prayerfully consider what God wants your church to do in this matter.

Please pray for the BMA of Missouri as we take care of business at our mid-year meeting. Each department will give a report and hopefully have some recommendations to consider as we seek to do God’s will.

I look forward to seeing you at Stony Point and working with our churches in the Lord’s service.

Some Thoughts Concerning Prayer

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When considering the nature of God’s providence and our role in prayer we are faced with the question of what prayer really accomplishes. If prayer has any effect on what happens, then it would seem that God’s plan is not fied in the fist place. The
other side is, if God’s plan is established and He will do what He is going to do, does it really matter whether we pray?

As we try to analyze this issue there are two important facts that most be considered: 1) Scriptures teach that God has a plan
and that plan is defiite and fied and is not subject to revision. 2) Scriptures command each of us to pray and that prayer has value. James 5:16, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

When we examine Scripture it appears that in many cases God works in sort of a partnership with us. Jesus did not perform
any major miracles in Nazareth. He only healed a few sick people and stated that He “marvelled because of their unbelief,” Mark 6:6. Therefore, it appears that Jesus did not heal because of the lack of faith. On the other hand, the centurion bringing his request for the healing of a servant and the woman with the hemorrhage, clinging to the garment of Jesus, are examples of faith that resulted in God working. When God wills the end (in these cases, healing), He also wills the means (which includes a request to be healed). Thus, prayer does not change what He has purposed to accomplish. It is the means by which He accomplishes His will.

Prayer is more that a method of creating a positive mental attitude, so that we are able to do what we have asked God to do. Prayer is a matter of creating a right attitude with respect to God’s will. Jesus taught His disciples to pray “Your kingdom come, your will be done,” before “give us our daily bread.” Prayer is not so much about getting God to do our will as it is demonstrating that we are as concerned as God is about getting His will done.

Jesus also taught us to be persistent in prayer. It takes little faith, commitment, and effort to pray only once for
something. When we are persistent in prayer it shows that our petition is as important to us as it is to God.

We do not always receive what we ask for. Jesus prayed three times for the removal of the cup (death by crucifixion). Paul prayed three times for the removal of the thorn in his flesh, but in each case something more needful was granted. We can pray confidently, knowing that our wise and good God will gave us, not necessarily what we ask for; but what is best. Psalms 84:11,
“For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that
walk uprightly.”

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

Great News! Minister’s Wives & Widows Lunch

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I just finished talking with the catering manager at the Gatlinburg Convention Center and he has lowered the price of a lunch
that I think we can work with!! Just a little review – last year I stepped out on faith and planned this. We served 70 ladies and they all seemed to enjoy and appreciate the special recognition. The National WMA is the host BUT at this time we can only
budget $500. The rest of the funding came from state auxiliaries, district auxiliaries, local auxiliaries and a few individuals.

The catering manager has agreed to a price of $20 per person all inclusive!! This is $5 less than I was anticipating – PRAISE
THE LORD!! Attached is a form that I would like to have on our website, as well as other websites and in our state papers. I purposely left the cost off of the form.

Continue to pray about this and if you or your church would like to honor a wife or widow of a minister, I know they would
be honored and appreciative. I know you will be blessed as well. If you are the wife of a minister, pass this on to a key person in your church.

Just to entice you – here is the planned meal. Chicken breast w/glazed pecans served with honey roasted sweet potatoes and
seasonal vegetables. Green salad, fresh baked rolls, desert, water, tea and coffee. YUM YUM!!

Janet Widger, President National WMA

February 2016 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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It was a joy to have the opportunity to preach at three churches in January.

Mary and I were with Lindsay Lane Baptist Church in Florissant January 3rd and enjoyed seeing their progress and
strength even though they are without a pastor. I had preach there a couple of times last year and their numbers have not
diminished, but grown because of the faithfulness and cooperation of many of their members who are working hard to keep their programs and services going well.

January 10th we enjoyed a sweet day with Berean Baptist Church in Festus. It had been a few years since we had attended services there and our hearts were saddened to see how their attendance has dropped, but it was a blessing to see the
determination and spirit of love shown by the two couples and Sis. Robinson who are seeking God’s will in fiding a pastor and praying God will revive the work. We were surprised to get to see some friends we had not seen in several years.

Bro. and Sis. Gordon Hill, whom we knew when they were part of the work at Westview in Jefferson City have moved to the area and happened to visit Berean that day. It was good to catch up on the news of their family. We were blessed to spend the day with Bro. and Sis. Sohn and get acquainted with them. Bro. and Sis. Terry Compton had visited Bethany recently and I had lunch with Bro. Terry before our visit to Berean. This time with these folks certainly showed their desire to keep the church going in the growing area west of Festus.

Please pray for these two churches as well as all the others in the BMA of Missouri that are seeking leadership at this time.
January 17th we were with First Baptist Church of Matthews as I preached while Bro. Chris Polk was out of town. This is a good work that God is blessing and we enjoyed our time with them.

by James Hoffmann

67th Annual BMA of America National Meeting Schedule

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Monday Evening, April 20


Tuesday Evening, April 21

7:00 Worship Service


7:00 Worship Service

President’s Message


Annual Message

(Dr. Jason Aultman)


(Jeff Swart)

Tuesday Morning, April 21


Wednesday Morning, April 22

8:00 WMA Meeting


9:00 General Session

Brotherhood Meeting


11:00 Elective Session

9:30 Committee Meetings


Noon: Lunch

11:00 Elective Session


Wednesday Afternoon, April 22

Noon: Lunch


2:00 General Session

Tuesday Afternoon, April 21


5:00 Dinner

12:15 Minister Wives &


Wednesday Evening April 22

Widows Lunch


7:00 General Session

(Hosted by WMA)


(Mission’s Report)

2:00 General Session


Commissioning Service

3:30 Elective Session



4:30 Dinner



For more information on the 2016 BMAA national meeting,including schedules, maps, and lodging, go to

Annual Meeting of the BMA of America 2016

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April 25-27, 2016
at the
Gatlinburg Convention Center
Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Annual Meeting of the BMA of America 2016

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From Our President….
Greetings to the churches of the BMA of America!
I hope 2016 has gotten off to a wonderful start and proves to be a year that overflows with God’s abundant blessings on you and
your church family. I wanted to remind you that on April 25 – 27 we will gather in beautiful Gatlinburg,Tennessee for the
annual meeting of our national association. I hope you will make plans to be there for what I believe will be an enjoyable and exciting few days together.

As an added feature at last year’s meeting some opportunities were offered to attend workshops on various topics. The hope was that this would provide attendees a time to receive practical instruction and help, allowing us all to return to our fields of ministry better equipped to serve and lead effectively. The response was overwhelmingly positive and we look forward to offering additional workshops at the upcoming meeting. Of course, these are provided in addition to the times of conducting business and opportunities to gather for worship.

On page 8 of this publication is a preliminary schedule for the meeting in Gatlinburg. I trust this overview will be helpful to you in planning your schedule and travel.

If the Lord returns before April 25, I will see you in Heaven. Otherwise, I look forward to seeing you in Gatlinburg!

Until Then,
Jason Aultman, President

A Timely Lesson For Men From God’s Word

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Our church Bible Study takes us to the timely, even if somewhat awkward, passage of Proverbs 7. In a time when
sexual moors and their Biblical standards are so totally out the window for in our society, this chapter cautions against the
“forbidden woman”/adulteress — in essence the gal who offers herself to the sexual interests of a man to whom she isn’t
married. Of special note is Vv. 10ff as it describes no less than nine hints that your gal may be the wrong kind of gal to get
involved in:

  1. She’s dressed in a way that stirs a guy’s attention to her body. (V. 10)
  2. She’s motivated by a hidden agenda (V. 10)
  3. She’s loud-and-proud (V. 11)
  4. She disregards her place and her responsibilities (V. 11)
  5. She lurks for her target (V. 12)
  6. She’s brazen (V. 13)
  7. She can lie without flnching (V. 13) — about her relationship with God and her interest in you (Vv. 14-15) — in
    order to get you to drop your guard.
  8. She is an active and ongoing source of temptation (V. 16-18)
  9. She assures that you won’t get caught (V. 19-20)
  10. Men, Take Heed!

    by Pastor Don Burke, Breton Creek Baptist Church, Potosi, MO
    (Editor’s Note: Bro. Burke posted this note on FaceBook recently and has given permission for me to print it as I feel
    it is a lesson all men need to study and use to safeguard their lives.)